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Locomotive classes of countries

Serbia Serbia
Russia Russia


Swiss Federal Railways (SBB-CFF-FFS)

Articles on the Rhätische Bahn narrow gauge railway


Swiss Federal Railways (SBB-CFF-FFS) class Re 420 (Re 4/4II) and Re 430 (Re 4/4III) universal electric locomotives (11 photos / 7 high resolution)


SBB-CFF-FFS class Re 460 (LOK2000) electric locomotives (9 photos / 1 high resolution)


SBB-CFF-FFS class Ee 922 and SBB Cargo Eem 923 small, multi-system electric shunting locomotives (2 photos / 2 high resolution)


SBBCargo class 482, 484 electric locomotives (TRAXX) (1 photos / 1 high resolution)


SBB-CFF-FFS class RABDe 500 tilting IC train ICN (2 photos / 1 high resolution)


SBB-CFF-FFS Cisalpino Mk I and II electric multiple units (1 photos / 0 high resolution)


SBB-CFF-FFS class RABDe 560 commuter electric multiple units NPZ (Neue Pendel Zug) (10 photos / 1 high resolution)


SBB-CFF-FFS class Re 450 double-decker push-pull electric locomotives (2 photos / 0 high resolution)


SBB-CFF-FFS class RABe 521, 522, 523, 524 electric multiple units (FLIRT) and RABe 520, 526 GTW-based multiple units (RegioLiner) (3 photos / 0 high resolution)


SBB-CFF-FFS class RABe 511 double-decker electric multiple units (KISS) (2 photos / 0 high resolution)

SBB Desiro

SBB-CFF-FFS class RABDe 514 double-decker electric multiple units (Desiro) (3 photos / 1 high resolution)


Miscellaneous SBB-CFF-FFS EMUs (2 photos / 0 high resolution)

Am 841

SBB-CFF-FFS class Am 841 and Am 843 diesel-electric shunters (2 photos / 0 high resolution)

BLS AG - Bern-Lötschberg-Simplonbahn

BLS Re 465

BLS AG class Re 465 electric locomotives (1 photos / 0 high resolution)

BLS Re 425

BLS AG class Re 425 electric locomotives (1 photos / 1 high resolution)

BLS Re 485/486

BLS AG class Re 485/486 electric locomotives (3 photos / 0 high resolution)

BLS shunters

BLS AG shunters and tracteurs (2 photos / 0 high resolution)


BLS AG class RABe 525 electric multiple units (Nina) (3 photos / 1 high resolution)


BLS AG class RABe 535 electric multiple units (Lötschberger) (8 photos / 2 high resolution)


BLS AG class RBDe 565/566 electric multiple units (EAV-Triebwagen II) (1 photos / 0 high resolution)

Südostbahn (SOB)


Südostbahn multiple units (3 photos / 1 high resolution)


Transport Publics Neuchatelois (2 photos / 0 high resolution)


Chemins de fer de Jura (CJ) - The standard and narrow gauge trains of the Jura Railway (10 photos / 3 high resolution)

Additional private railways


THURBO (5 photos / 1 high resolution)

Narrow-gauge railways

RhB - Rhätische Bahn

Ge 4/4 I

RhB class Ge 4/4I mainline electric locomotives (36 photos / 18 high resolution)

Ge 4/4 II

RhB class Ge 4/4II mainline electric locomotives (138 photos / 46 high resolution)


RhB NEVA push-pull sets hauled by Ge 4/4 locomotives (28 photos / 11 high resolution)

Ge 4/4 III

RhB class Ge 4/4III mainline electric locomotives (130 photos / 55 high resolution)

Ge 4/6

RhB class Ge 4/6 mainline electric locomotives (10 photos / 6 high resolution)

Ge 6/6 I

RhB class Ge 6/6I mainline electric locomotives (24 photos / 13 high resolution)

Ge 6/6 II

RhB class Ge 6/6II mainline electric locomotives (74 photos / 32 high resolution)

Ge 2/4

RhB class Ge 2/4 mainline and shunting electric locomotives (7 photos / 2 high resolution)

RhB electric shunting locomotives

RhB electric shunting locomotives (11 photos / 3 high resolution)

RhB diesel shunting locomotives

RhB diesel shunting locomotives (39 photos / 12 high resolution)


RhB class ABe 8/12 high power, multi-system electric multiple units (Allegra) (92 photos / 43 high resolution)

ABe 4/16

RhB class ABe 4/16 S-Bahn electric multiple units (Allegra) (3 photos / 2 high resolution)

Be 4/4

RhB class Be 4/4 S-Bahn electric multiple units (44 photos / 15 high resolution)

RhB steam

RhB steam locomotives (9 photos / 5 high resolution)


ABe 4/4 I

RhB Berninabahn class ABe 4/4I electric railcars (2 photos / 2 high resolution)

ABe 4/4 II

RhB Berninabahn class ABe 4/4II electric railcars (6 photos / 3 high resolution)

ABe 4/4 III

RhB Berninabahn class ABe 4/4III electric railcars (35 photos / 22 high resolution)

De 2/2

RhB class De 2/2 electric shunting locomotives of the Berninabahn with baggage compartment (1 photos / 1 high resolution)

Ge 2/2

RhB class Ge 2/2 electric shunting locomotives of the Berninabahn (1 photos / 1 high resolution)

Gem 4/4

RhB class Gem 4/4 electro-diesel locomotives of the Berninabahn (5 photos / 2 high resolution)


RhB class Ge 4/4 historic electric locomotive of the Berninabahn (Bernina-Crocodile) (6 photos / 3 high resolution)


Since 1942 part of the RhB


RhB Arosabahn DC electric railcars (1 photos / 1 high resolution)

Bellinzona-Mesocco railway

1907-1942: Societa Ferrovia elettrica Bellinzona–Mesocco (BM), 1942-2003: RhB, since 2003 it is operated by the Societa Esercizio Ferroviario Turistico on the name Ferrovia Mesolcinese (FM) as a touristic railway


RhB Misoxerbahn (Bellinzona-Mesocco) (2 photos / 2 high resolution)


former SBB Brünigbahn and Luzern-Stans-Engelberg-Bahn

zb 101

Zentralbahn class HGe 4/4II rack-and-adhesion electric locomotives (6 photos / 2 high resolution)


Zentralbahn class ABeh 160 rack-and-adhesion panoramic electric multiple units (FINK) (7 photos / 1 high resolution)


Zentralbahn class ABReh 150 rack-and-adhesion panoramic electric multiple units (ADLER) (11 photos / 5 high resolution)


Zentralbahn class ABe 130 adhesion panoramic electric multiple units (SPATZ) (8 photos / 2 high resolution)

MGB Matterhorn-Gotthardbahn

former Brig-Visp-Zermatt-Bahn and Furka-Oberalp-Bahn

HGe 4/4 I

MGB class HGe 4/4I rack-and-adhesion electric locomotives (2 photos / 2 high resolution)

HGe 4/4 II

MGB class HGe 4/4II rack-and-adhesion electric locomotives (39 photos / 16 high resolution)

Ge 4/4<sup>III</sup>

MGB class Deh 4/4I adhesion electric locomotives (Furka Autozug) (2 photos / 2 high resolution)

ABDeh 2/4

MGB class ABDeh 2/4 rack-and-adhesion electric railcars (1 photos / 0 high resolution)

Deh 4/4 I

MGB class Deh 4/4I rack-and-adhesion electric railcars (27 photos / 10 high resolution)

Deh 4/4 II

MGB class Deh 4/4II rack-and-adhesion electric railcars (7 photos / 5 high resolution)


MGB panoramic multiple units (6 photos / 2 high resolution)


Miscellaneous MGB vehicles (2 photos / 1 high resolution)


MGB Gornergratbahn (46 photos / 14 high resolution)

Montreux - Oberland bernois (MOB)

MOB Ge 4/4

Montreux - Oberland bernois (MOB) class Ge 4/4 electric locomotives (13 photos / 6 high resolution)

MOB GDe 4/4

Montreux - Oberland bernois (MOB) class GDe 4/4 electric locomotives (10 photos / 4 high resolution)

MOB ABDe 8/8

Montreux - Oberland bernois (MOB) class ABDe 8/8 electric railcars (7 photos / 2 high resolution)

MOB Be 4/4

Montreux - Oberland bernois (MOB) class Be 4/4 electric multiple units (11 photos / 4 high resolution)


Miscellaneous MOB vehicles (2 photos / 0 high resolution)


Montreux - Vevey - Rivera rack-and-pinion railway to Les Pléiades (1 photos / 0 high resolution)

Montreux - Glion - Rocher-de-Naye

Montreux - Glion - Rocher-de-Naye (3 photos / 1 high resolution)

Transports Publics Fribourgeois

TPF standard

Transports Publics Fribourgeois standard-gauge vehicles (1 photos / 0 high resolution)

TPF narrow

Transports Publics Fribourgeois narrow-gauge vehicles (14 photos / 10 high resolution)

Dampfbahn Furka Bergstrecke


Dampfbahn Furka Bergstrecke (8 photos / 3 high resolution)

Appenzeller Bahnen

Miscellaneous narrow-gauge and rack-and-pinion railways


Pilatusbahn (7 photos / 4 high resolution)


Brienz-Rothorn-Bahn (3 photos / 1 high resolution)


Meiringen-Innertkirchen-Bahn (1 photos / 1 high resolution)


Waldenburgerbahn (29 photos / 11 high resolution)


Transports Publics du Chablais (87 photos / 33 high resolution)


Transports Martigny et Region (11 photos / 4 high resolution)

Berner Oberlandbahn

ABeh 4/4 I

Berner Oberlandbahn class ABeh 4/4 I electric railcars (7 photos / 1 high resolution)

ABeh 4/4 II

Berner Oberlandbahn class ABeh 4/4 II electric railcars (1 photos / 1 high resolution)


Berner Oberlandbahn miscellaneous photos (8 photos / 0 high resolution)


BDhe 4/4

Wengernalpbahn class BDhe 4/4 electric railcars (5 photos / 3 high resolution)

BDhe 4/8

Wengernalpbahn class BDhe 4/8 electric railcars (3 photos / 1 high resolution)


Bergbahn Lauterbrunnen-Mürren

Schynige Platte-Bahn

He 2/2

Schynige Platte-Bahn electric locomotives (7 photos / 2 high resolution)

Swiss railway cars

Passenger cars

Passenger cars (33 photos / 6 high resolution)

Freight cars

Freight cars (10 photos / 0 high resolution)



Miscellaneous railway images (176 photos / 20 high resolution)


Miscellaneous images (104 photos / 19 high resolution)

Serbia Serbia
Russia Russia

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