The M41 2162 at Tiborszállás
(Nagykároly-Mátészalka-Csapi HÉV, Mátészalka-Tiborszállás vasútvonal)
The trains running on this extremely short branch line take the 18 kilometres at a average speed fo 40 km/h. The train was empty on the way to Tiborszállás so I had the chance to chat with the passanger counters. Their work on other lines was disappointing, one couldn’t write and the other was too shy to ask the questions she should have asked from the passangers so faked the answers. But the two on this train worked with enthusiasm even though they’ve been past the halftime of their 18-hour-long workday.
Photo by Takács Bence
Copyright 2005-2024. Railway photography gallery of Takács Bence.