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The Ge 4/4III 643 between Trin and Reichenau-Tamins near Dabi-tunnel with a Glacier-Express

(RhB Surselvalinie)

Photo by: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2012:06:17 14:37:34


PicID: 11007
Tags: Dabi-Tunnel Trin Reichenau-Tamins 232 Ge 4/4 III Ge 4/4 III 643 Svájc villanymozdony RhB Rhätische Bahn kisvasút napos ellenfény Glacier-Express nyílt vonal táj magaslatról hegyek hegyi vasút Ruinaulta folyó sziklák bárányfelhok panorámakocsi Ge4/4-EMS Werbelok

We wandered around a lot on the plateau over the Rheinshclucht from the Zault viewpoint between Versam and Trin to the Wackenau ruins between Trin and Reichenau. To reach this place we walked for ten minutes back from Wackenau towards Trin and started over from here towards Bonaduz taking pictures of the upcoming trains. You can follow our treks on this tourist map of the Rheinschlucht . We originally passed the Vorderrhein on the Hängebrücke and this photo was taken West from Wackenau in the curve just above the sign 656.4.

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Photo by Takács Bence

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