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The Ge 4/4II 628 at Smvitg-Cumpadials station

(RhB Surselvalinie)

The Ge 4/4 photo

Author: Lászlófi Károly
Captured at: 2010:04:18 15:05:49


High quality picture

PicID: 10262
Tags: Sumvitg-Cumpadials 232 Ge 4/4 II Ge 4/4 II 628 Svájc kisvasút RhB Rhätische Bahn villanymozdony napos állomás virág fák felvételi épület bárányfelhok hegyek tavasz

While down in the valley it almost was like summer with wild flowers blooming on the fields, up here, at 982 m the fruit tress just started their blossoming like if it was just the beginning of spring.

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Photo by Lászlófi Károly

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