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M41 2183 and MDmot 3020 at Mátészalka

Photo by: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2007:10:14 13:58:03


PicID: 3586
Tags: Mátészalka 110 113 114 115 M41 M41 2183 MDmot 3020 napos Bx dízelmozdony együttállás Csörgő

The MDmot is headed to Vásárosnamény and the blue train in the background to Debrecen. This Rattler is the late afternoon train to Tiborszállás. Though after coming back from Fehérgyarmat I went to Tiborszállás I’d like to continue with my late afternoon and evening photos I took at line 113 and continue later with the early afternoon pics from line 115 at the end of the album.

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Photo by Takács Bence

Copyright 2005-2014. www.benbe.hu. Railway photography gallery of Takács Bence.

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