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The historic railcar ABamot 2 at Szépjuhászné

(Budapesti Gyermekvasút)

The historic railcar ABamot 2 at Szépjuhászné photo

Author: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2010:11:27 11:03:25


High quality picture

PicID: 9132
Tags: Szépjuhászné Vadaspark fmh. 7 ABa mot ABamot 2 legjobb nyílt vonal tél havas havas fák hegyek hegyi vasút híd hangulat nosztalgia vonat esemény jelzo teleobjektív motorkocsi kisvasút Frigyláda Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

It just passed the viaduct over the valley leading to the Budakeszi-pass. Though the flurries have long ago ceased and the winds attacked the trees ferociously sometimes most of the cotton candy-like white decoration stayed on them until I managed to take the first of these long-awaited shots.

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Photo by Takács Bence

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