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Bosnia 2017

From the Banovici Coal Railway's steam locomotives to the Talgo high-speed trains of the Sarajevo-Mostar-Capljina ralway accross the Dinari Alps.

The steam locomotive number photo

The steam locomotive number 25-30 of the Banovici Coal Mines seen at the depot at Banovici


Tags: Banovici Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút gözmozdony

The steam locomotive number photo

The steam locomotive number 25-30 of the Banovici Coal Mines seen at the depot at Banovici


Tags: Banovici Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút gözmozdony

The steam locomotive number photo

The steam locomotive number 83-159 of the Banovici Coal Mines seen at the depot at Banovici


Tags: Banovici Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút gözmozdony

The steam locomotive number photo

The steam locomotive number 83-181 of the Banovici Coal Mines seen at the depot at Banovici


Tags: Banovici Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút gözmozdony

The steam locomotive number photo

The steam locomotive number 25-29 of the Banovici Coal Mines of Bosnia-Herzegovina seen at the depot at Banovici


Tags: Banovici Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút gözmozdony

The steam locomotive number photo

The steam locomotive number 25-32 of the Banovici Coal Mines of Bosnia-Herzegovina seen at the depot at Banovici


Tags: Banovici Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút gözmozdony

The Banovici Coal Mines of  photo

The Banovici Coal Mines of Bosnia-Herzegovina 740 108 seen at Banovici


Tags: Banovici 740 108 Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút dízelmozdony tehervonat állomás

The Banovici Coal Mines of  photo

The Banovici Coal Mines of Bosnia-Herzegovina 740 108 seen at Banovici


Tags: Banovici Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút

The Banovići Coal Mine picture

The Banovići Coal Mines of Bosnia-Herzegovina 25-30 seen at Banovici depot where they were cleaning the smokebox and the tubes


Tags: Banovici 25 30 Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút gözmozdony futoház hangulat

This summer's first trip led us to Bosnia where we started at the Banovići Coal Mine Railway. The mine administration opens at 7 on weekdays (and is closed on weekednds, even though the mines and the railway operates) and you have to buy a permit for 15 Euros apiece to be able to take photos on the railway grounds. If you stay for more than one day, the additional days are cheaper. With this permit you can visit any of the loading stations, the depot and the probably mos interesting place, the Oskova unloading facility, where the steam shunters operate.

Banovici szénvasút térképe

In the above map you can see the basic structure of the railway. The three loading areas are connected by 760 mm (Bosnian gauge) tracks to Oskova, where the coal ins unloaded into lorries and normal-gauge cars. The section from the second loading bay to Oskova is double-track. The coal trains on the line are hauled by Đuro Đaković diesel locomotives, only the Oskova shunter is a steamer, because the diesels don't fit in the unloader. The shunters at other stations are smaller, two-axle diesels.

The Banovici Coal Mines of  picture

The Banovici Coal Mines of Bosnia-Herzegovina 720 002 seen at Banovici


Tags: Banovici 720 002 Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút hangulat futoház vasutas dízelmozdony

They are heating a wheel's tread (tyre) so it could be fit on the boss. Because of thermal expansion, when cooled down, the rim will get stuck on the boss inmovably.

The Banovici Coal Mines of  photo

The Banovici Coal Mines of Bosnia-Herzegovina 720 002 seen at Banovici


Tags: Banovici Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút

The Banovici Coal Mines of  photo

The Banovici Coal Mines of Bosnia-Herzegovina 720 002 seen at Banovici


Tags: Banovici Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút

The Banovici Coal Mines of  photo

The Banovici Coal Mines of Bosnia-Herzegovina 740 108 seen at Banovici


Tags: Banovici Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút

The Banovići Coal Mine picture

The Banovići Coal Mines in Bosnia-Herzegovina 55-99 seen at Banovići


Tags: Banovici Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút gözmozdony

This one is a Hungarian MÁVAG-built class 490 locomotive which was restored in 2009 to working condition for the proposed rebuilding of the Forestry Railway that would have led from Oskova to a nearby forest hotel. The construction works never began.

The Banovići Coal Mine picture

The Banovići Coal Mines in Bosnia-Herzegovina 83-158 seen at Oskova


Tags: Banovici 83 158 Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút gözmozdony

That day this one was the only steamer on duty but even this one had nothing to do. The tracks were full with coal trains but there were no lorries waiting to be served, nor any normal-gauge freight cars waiting to be loaded, so the steamer didn't have to bring cars to the unloader.

The Banovići Coal Mine picture

The Banovići Coal Mines in Bosnia-Herzegovina 83-158 and 740-113 seen at Oskova


Tags: Banovici 740 113 83 158 Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút gözmozdony hangulat legjobb dízelmozdony állomás tehervonat nyár

The sidings before the unloader were full with coal trains, but unfortunately no lorries or normal-gauge cars were waiting for fresh coal, so the steamer was left here in steam, but without a job.

The Banovići Coal Mine photo

The Banovići Coal Mines in Bosnia-Herzegovina 740-113 seen at Oskova


Tags: Banovici Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút

The Banovići Coal Mine photo

The Banovići Coal Mines in Bosnia-Herzegovina 83-158 seen at Oskova


Tags: Banovici Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút gözmozdony

The Banovići Coal Mine photo

The Banovići Coal Mines in Bosnia-Herzegovina 83-158 seen at Oskova


Tags: Banovici Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút gözmozdony

The Banovići Coal Mine photo

The Banovići Coal Mines in Bosnia-Herzegovina 83-158 seen at Oskova


Tags: Banovici Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút gözmozdony

The Banovići Coal Mine picture

The Banovići Coal Mines in Bosnia-Herzegovina 740-107 and 83-158 seen at Oskova


Tags: Banovici 740 113 83 158 Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút gözmozdony dízelmozdony

A video was made of the moving steam locomotive, these clips will be in the short film you can see at the end of the album, together with my other videos taken in Bosnia. I believe it is worth seeing, so read on please!

The Banovići Coal Mine picture

The Banovići Coal Mines in Bosnia-Herzegovina 740-113 and 83-158 seen at Oskova


Tags: Banovici 740 113 83 158 Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút gözmozdony tehervonat

The Banovići Coal Mine photo

The Banovići Coal Mines in Bosnia-Herzegovina 740-107 seen at Oskova


Tags: Banovici Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút

The Banovići Coal Mine photo

The Banovići Coal Mines in Bosnia-Herzegovina 740-107 seen at Oskova


Tags: Banovici Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút

The Banovići Coal Mine photo

The Banovići Coal Mines in Bosnia-Herzegovina 740-107 seen at Oskova


Tags: Banovici Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút

The wreck of the steam loco photo

The wreck of the steam locomotive 62-677 seen at Oskova


Tags: Banovici Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút gözmozdony

The Banovići Coal Mine photo

The Banovići Coal Mines in Bosnia-Herzegovina 720-002 seen at Grivice


Tags: Banovici Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút

The Banovići Coal Mine picture

The Banovići Coal Mines in Bosnia-Herzegovina 720-002 seen at Grivice


Tags: Banovici 720 002 Bosznia-Hercegovina Banovici bányavasút Balkán kisvasút

Closing the narrow-gauge railway is always in planning. Completely moving to the roads is impossible as they are narrow and curvy, but for example a conveyor belt would fit in the place of the tracks. The railway is only a small step in the transfer anyway: the loading areas are far from the mines so lorries and existing conveyor belts bring the coal to the small trains that cannot reach the costumers directly as the narrow-gauge tracks are not reaching for example the Tuzla power plant.

The ŽFBH 441 906 "Talg photo

The ŽFBH 441 906 "Talgo" seen at Žepče station


Tags: 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán

The ŽFBH 441 906 "Talg photo

The ŽFBH 441 906 "Talgo" seen at Žepče station


Tags: 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán

Žepče station photo

Žepče station


Tags: Bosnia Bosznia-Hercegovina

The ŽFBH 441 512 seen  picture

The ŽFBH 441 512 seen between Želeće and Žepče hauling a freight train on the incorrect track (formerly in hire to TCDD as E52 512)


Tags: Jelina Maglaj 266 ZFBH 441 441 512 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán felhos nyílt vonal tehervonat hegyek

We didn't expect a freight train here as there are expansion works going on at the Rijeka port, where normally the iron ore for the Zenica steel mill comes from (that's why the track is double-track to the North from Zenica and not towards the capital), but we were lucky to catch one travelling on the wrong track (thus the red headlights). We thought based on the wear on the rails that the other track is just rarely used. The idea behind this trip was that now the irone ore comes to Ploče so there are a lot more freight trains on the Zenica-Sarajevo-Mostar-Ploče railway accross the mountains, bringing iron ore from the port to the mill and (using the same Eas cars) freshly milled steel plates and casts from Zenica down to the port, over the Ivan pass.

The ŽFBH 411 226 seen  photo

The ŽFBH 411 226 seen at Zenica


Tags: Ganz 411 226 Bosznia-Hercegovina motorvonat ŽFBH Balkán felhos állomás város

The ŽFBH 411 226 seen  picture

The ŽFBH 411 226 seen at Zenica


Tags: Ganz (ZFBH 411) 415 226 411 Bosznia-Hercegovina motorvonat ŽFBH Balkán állomás

Before the electrification of its main lines the Railways of Yugoslavia (JŽ) had a number of different diesel multiple units in service. Fast trains were replaced by locomotive hauled electric trains but regional trains received the new, Hungarian Ganz-MÁVAG built EMUs. The three-car sets consist of a central motor car (much like the Swiss TEE EMU) and two unmotorized driving trailers. Three such sets can be coupled together to increase the capacity of the train, but the three-car units fit perfectly the needs of Yugoslavia, where many small, but important towns competed instead of having one big capital and a rural countryside like in Hungary for example. he units were built in the late 1970s and some of them were first class only, as Olimpik Express, to serve during the 1984 Winter Olympics of Sarajevo. Two such units are still used by ŽFBH as Zenica-Sarajevo locals, all other sets are out of use in the country (Croatia also uses commuter versions of the sets around Zagreb).

The ŽFBH 441 910 seen  picture

The ŽFBH 441 910 seen at Zenica


Tags: Zenica 266 ZFBH 441 441 910 415 226 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán tehervonat napos város állomás

The ŽFBH 441 910 seen  photo

The ŽFBH 441 910 seen at Zenica


Tags: Zenica 266 441 441 910 415 226 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán napos tehervonat állomás város

The ŽFBH 441 910 seen  photo

The ŽFBH 441 910 seen at Zenica


Tags: Zenica 266 441 441 910 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán tehervonat híd állomás

The ŽFBH 441 411 seen  photo

The ŽFBH 441 411 seen between Hadžiči and Tarčin


Tags: Íves viaduktok Tarčin Hadžiči 267 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán

The ŽFBH 441 411 seen  picture

The ŽFBH 441 411 seen between Hadžiči and Tarčin


Tags: Íves viaduktok Tarčin Hadžiči 267 ZFBH 441 441 411 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán napos viadukt hegyek hegyi vasút magaslatról nyílt vonal táj híd

An unidentified ŽFBH 4 picture

An unidentified ŽFBH 441 seen between Hadžiči and Tarčin


Tags: Íves viaduktok Tarčin Hadžiči 267 ZFBH 441 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán hegyi vasút napos nyílt vonal hegyek viadukt magaslatról táj híd

The ŽFBH 441 912 seen  photo

The ŽFBH 441 912 seen at Konjic


Tags: Konjic 267 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán

The ŽFBH 441 411 seen  photo

The ŽFBH 441 411 seen at Konjic


Tags: Konjic 267 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán

The ŽFBH TMD 136 seen  photo

The ŽFBH TMD 136 seen at Konjic


Tags: Bosnia Bosznia-Hercegovina

The ŽFBH 441 912 seen  photo

The ŽFBH 441 912 seen at Konjic


Tags: Konjic 267 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán

An unidentified ŽFBH 4 picture

An unidentified ŽFBH 441 seen between Čelebići and Konjic


Tags: Neretva-híd Celebici Konjic 267 ZFBH 441 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán napos nyílt vonal híd víz folyó hegyek

The problem is, that every day there is a long closure of the track in the day to look for fallen trees and stone ravines, and because of that, there is a little amount of freight traffic during the day. When going on to the Neretva gorge, don't take the direct path accross some dirt roads, but go back to Konjic to cross the Neretva, it is a lot safer and faster.

The memorial of the Neretva picture

The memorial of the Neretva Partizans at Jablanica


Tags: Bosznia Bosznia-Hercegovina nemmozdony

The problem is, that every day there is a long closure of the track in the day to look for fallen trees and stone ravines, and because of that, there is a little amount of freight traffic during the day. When going on to the Neretva gorge, don't take the direct path accross some dirt roads, but go back to Konjic to cross the Neretva, it is a lot safer and faster.

An unidentified ŽFBH 4 picture

An unidentified ŽFBH 441 seen between Drežnica Stara and Drežnica


Tags: Drežanka Drežnica Grabovica 267 ZFBH 441 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán hegyi vasút híd napos víz folyó hegyek sziklák nyílt vonal legjobb táj

The bridge seems like a low river crossing, but it is not, in fact it is a huge viaduct, only hidden buy the flooding of the Neretva reservoirs:

Drežanka viadukt
Photo by Jerry and Roy Klotz

I took a few photos of this bridge with old, conventional car trains a few years back, I think they were quite good. In the meantime a fish restaurant opened at the place with a viewpoint, but I think, even though the food is good, the photos are still best from our points of view.

The Drežanka-viadukt photo

The Drežanka-viadukt


Tags: Drežanka Drežnica Grabovica 267 Bosnia Bosznia-Hercegovina

Jablanica photo



Tags: Bosnia Bosznia-Hercegovina

Jablanica photo



Tags: Bosnia Bosznia-Hercegovina

Jablanica photo



Tags: Konjic 267 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán

A ŽFBH Talgo-train see photo

A ŽFBH Talgo-train seen on the so-called Gazela-viadukt at Jablanica, in Bosnia-Herzegovina


Tags: Neretva-viadukt Jablanica Ostrožac 267 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán

A ŽFBH Talgo-train see picture

A ŽFBH Talgo-train seen on the so-called Gazela-viadukt at Jablanica, in Bosnia-Herzegovina


Tags: Neretva-viadukt Jablanica Ostrožac 267 ZFBH 441 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán hegyi vasút híd napos viadukt nyílt vonal hegyek oldalról legjobb táj

The so-called Gazela-viaduct near Jablanica got its name from the head to the right, the tail to the left, and the four legs.

The ŽFBH 441 908 seen  photo

The ŽFBH 441 908 seen at Konjic hauling a Talgo train


Tags: Konjic 267 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán

The ŽFBH 441 908 seen  picture

The ŽFBH 441 908 seen at Konjic hauling a Talgo train


Tags: Konjic 267 ZFBH 441 441 908 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán állomás éjszakai hegyek felvételi épület kék óra

The ŽFBH 441 905 seen  photo

The ŽFBH 441 905 seen between Jablanica and Ostrožac


Tags: Neretva-viadukt Jablanica Ostrožac 267 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán

An unidentified ŽFBH 4 picture

An unidentified ŽFBH 441 seen between Jablanica and Jablanica grad on the Gazela-viadukt


Tags: Neretva-viadukt Jablanica Ostrožac 267 ZFBH 441 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán hegyi vasút híd napos tehervonat viadukt hegyek sziklák táj nyílt vonal

An unidentified ŽFBH 4 picture

An unidentified ŽFBH 441 seen hauling a Talgo-trainset between Jablanica and Drežnica near Grabovica-viadukt


Tags: Plaski potok Grabovica Jablanica 267 ZFBH 441 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán napos nyílt vonal hegyek folyó víz

An unidentified ŽFBH 4 picture

An unidentified ŽFBH 441 seen between Jablanica and Drežnica on the Grabovica-viadukt


Tags: Plaski potok Grabovica Jablanica 267 ZFBH 441 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán hegyi vasút híd napos nyílt vonal viadukt hegyek folyó víz táj

In this less nice photo you can see the Grabovica-viadukt, or, at least, a small part of it. The whole construction looks like this:

Photo by Jerry and Roy Klotz

The ŽFBH 911 328 seen  photo

The ŽFBH 911 328 seen at Mostar


Tags: Bosnia Bosznia-Hercegovina

The ŽFBH 733 103 seen  photo

The ŽFBH 733 103 seen at Mostar


Tags: Mostar 267 Diesels Bosznia-Hercegovina dízelmozdony ŽFBH Balkán

The ŽFBH 441 122 seen  photo

The ŽFBH 441 122 seen at Mostar


Tags: Mostar 267 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán

The ŽFBH 441 122 seen  photo

The ŽFBH 441 122 seen at Mostar


Tags: Mostar 267 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán

The ŽFBH 441 047 seen  photo

The ŽFBH 441 047 seen at Mostar


Tags: Mostar 267 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán

The railway bus would take  photo

The railway bus would take some effort to move


Tags: Bosnia Bosznia-Hercegovina

Mostar photo



Tags: Bosnia

Mostar photo



Tags: Bosnia

Mostar photo



Tags: Bosnia

Mostar photo



Tags: Bosnia

The ŽFBH 441 308 seen  photo

The ŽFBH 441 308 seen between Grad and Ovčari


Tags: Kis íves viadukt Ovčari Grad 267 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán

The ŽFBH 441 308 seen  photo

The ŽFBH 441 308 seen between Grad and Ovčari


Tags: Nagy Ovčari viadukt Ovčari Grad 267 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán

The ŽFBH 441 308 seen  picture

The ŽFBH 441 308 seen between Grad and Ovčari


Tags: Ovčari bejárati ív Ovčari Grad 267 ZFBH 441 441 308 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán napos nyílt vonal

There were no freight trains during the day because of the usual daily closure for track inspection (there are many accidents because of trees or rocks falling on the track). The night is full of freighters though. Because of the expansion of the Rijeka Harbour, all Zenica-bound traffic (iron ore from the port to Zenica, steel blocks back to the port) is going accross Ploče and using the Neretva-railway. Because Ploče has poorer equipment for loading and unloading it makes it more expensive, so when Rijeka gets back to full (and increased) capacity, the freight trains will leave the Ivan-pass and return to the Banja Luka - Fiume route.

The ŽFBH 441 905 seen  picture

The ŽFBH 441 905 seen between Konjic and Celebići


Tags: Neretva-híd Celebici Konjic 267 ZFBH 441 441 905 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán híd napos nyílt vonal viadukt hegyek táj víz folyó

The ŽFBH 441 121 seen  picture

The ŽFBH 441 121 seen between Konjic and Celebići


Tags: Neretva-híd Celebici Konjic 267 ZFBH 441 441 121 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán híd napos tehervonat nyílt vonal magaslatról táj viadukt hegyek

A panoramic photo of the vi picture

A panoramic photo of the viadukt section near Tarčin


Tags: Bosznia Bosznia-Hercegovina nemmozdony

The end of the Zenica-Tarčin motorway is visible in the foreground.

An unidentified ŽFBH 4 photo

An unidentified ŽFBH 441 seen between Hadžiči and Tarčin


Tags: Íves viaduktok Tarčin Hadžiči 267 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán

An unidentified ŽFBH 4 picture

An unidentified ŽFBH 441 seen between Hadžiči and Tarčin


Tags: Íves viaduktok Tarčin Hadžiči 267 ZFBH 441 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán híd napos viadukt oldalról magaslatról hegyek falu

An unidentified ŽFBH 4 photo

An unidentified ŽFBH 441 seen between Hadžiči and Tarčin


Tags: Íves viaduktok Tarčin Hadžiči 267 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán

An unidentified ŽFBH 4 picture

An unidentified ŽFBH 441 seen between Hadžiči and Tarčin


Tags: Íves viaduktok Tarčin Hadžiči 267 ZFBH 441 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán hegyek viadukt híd hegyi vasút Talgo falu magaslatról táj nyílt vonal

An unidentified ŽFBH 4 photo

An unidentified ŽFBH 441 seen between Hadžiči and Tarčin


Tags: Íves viaduktok Tarčin Hadžiči 267 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán

An unidentified ŽFBH 4 picture

An unidentified ŽFBH 411 Ganz seen between Rajlovac and Alipasin Most


Tags: Alipasin Most Rajlovac 266 Ganz (ZFBH 411) 411 Bosznia-Hercegovina motorvonat ŽFBH Balkán napos nyílt vonal hegyek magaslatról város

The ŽFBH 441 515 seen  photo

The ŽFBH 441 515 seen between Buzići and Porječani


Tags: 441 441 515 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán napos tehervonat nyílt vonal

An unidentified ŽFBH 4 picture

An unidentified ŽFBH 411 seen between Buzići and Porječani


Tags: Ganz (ZFBH 411) 411 Bosznia-Hercegovina motorvonat ŽFBH Balkán napos nyílt vonal

The ŽFBH 441 908 seen  photo

The ŽFBH 441 908 seen at Doboj


Tags: Doboj 266 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán

The ŽRS 813 043 seen b picture

The ŽRS 813 043 seen between Suho Polje and Doboj


Tags: ZRS 813 813 043 régi FIAT FIAT mellékvonal Bosznia-Hercegovina motorkocsi nyílt vonal napos híd homlokátjáró

The ŽRS 441 806 seen b picture

The ŽRS 441 806 seen between Ljeskove Vode and Rakovac


Tags: ZRS 441 441 806 Bosznia-Hercegovina ŽRS villanymozdony ASEA Balkán nyílt vonal

The ŽRS 813 043 seen a photo

The ŽRS 813 043 seen at Suho Polje


Tags: ZRS 813 813 043 régi FIAT FIAT mellékvonal Bosznia-Hercegovina motorkocsi napos hegyek teleobjektív nyílt vonal homlokátjáró

The ŽRS 813 043 seen a picture

The ŽRS 813 043 seen at Suho Polje


Tags: ZRS 813 813 043 régi FIAT FIAT mellékvonal Bosznia-Hercegovina motorkocsi napos homlokátjáró

The ŽRS 813 043 seen a picture

The ŽRS 813 043 seen at Suho Polje


Tags: ZRS 813 813 043 régi FIAT FIAT mellékvonal Bosznia-Hercegovina motorkocsi napos hegyek fekete-fehér homlokátjáró

[VIDEO] Our videos taken on our trips to Bosnia


Tags: Konjic 267 ZFBH 441 441 Bosznia-Hercegovina villanymozdony ŽFBH ASEA Balkán híd videó nyílt vonal táj hegyek viadukt

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