The CTP Arad (Arad Public Tansport Authority) DÜWAG 1862 (AR 00102) seen at Arad-Gyorok interurban tramway seen near Ghioroc terminus - high resolution image - photo gallery

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The CTP Arad (Arad Public Tansport Authority) DÃœWAG 1862 (AR 00102) seen at Arad-Gyorok interurban tramway seen near Ghioroc terminus

(Arad-Ghioroc interurbán (Arad-Hegyaljai motorosított vasút, Arad-Gyorok HÉV))

The CTP Arad (Arad Public Tansport Authority) DÃœWAG 1862 (AR 00102) seen at Arad-Gyorok interurban tramway seen near Ghioroc terminus photo

Author: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2017:12:10 11:40:24