The ČSD T478 2011 seen between Sedliacka Dubová and Horná Lehota with the Farský kostol sv. Michala Archanjela and the Kostol sv. Kozmu a Damiána in the background - high resolution image - photo gallery

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The ČSD T478 2011 seen between Sedliacka Dubová and Horná Lehota with the Farský kostol sv. Michala Archanjela and the Kostol sv. Kozmu a Damiána in the background

The ČSD T478 2011 seen between Sedliacka Dubová and Horná Lehota with the Farský kostol sv. Michala Archanjela and the Kostol sv. Kozmu a Damiána in the background photo

Author: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2015:12:30 13:01:39