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The 1047 504-4 of GySEV, called Haydn-Taurus at the Szár cutting

The 1047 504-4 of GySEV, called  photo

Author: Takács Bence
Captured at: unknown


High quality picture

PicID: 7861
Tags: Szár Bicske 1 1047 Raaberbahn 1047 504 borult kék halberstadti nyílt vonal táj tél magaslatról bevágás különleges festés havas Werbelok legjobb sziklák hegyek hegyi vasút GYSEV Taurus villanymozdony Haydn-Taurus

It's snowing, let's go somewhere and take a few shots of what's coming! I didn't think that after such a hasty decision the first train to come directly after I found my location is headed by the beautiful locomotive wearing promotional stickers for the Year of Joseph Haydn.

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Photo by Takács Bence

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