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Steam locomotive to Imeno

Slovenian steam and some other photos-videos.

The SZ 713-103 seen between picture

The SZ 713-103 seen between Grobelno and Sentvid pri Grobelnom


Tags: Šentvid pri Gobelnem Smarje pri Jelšah 434 435 813 713 103 motorkocsi Szlovénia napos nyílt vonal hegyek

On a late spring day we took off with SzV to take a few photos of the historic trains in Slovenia. All season, steam trains on the Bohinj route and the Celje - Imeno section of the route between Celje - Grobelno (with a former triangle to Maribor) - Imeno - Savski Marof - Zagreb route are running. Originally Celje should have the Austrian class 25 but lately only the German war locomotive 33-037 is running on both tracks, being pulled between the two territories by an electric locomotive.

Ten years ago, I didn’t consider myself a steam train photographer, but in the past one or two years I managed to take photos of steam locomotives in many different countries so I believe it is worth having a look at my collection:

The SŽ 33-057 steam lo picture

The SŽ 33-057 steam locomotive (original German class 52) seen between Grobelno and Sentvid pri Grobelnem


Tags: Grobelno Šentvid pri Gobelnem 434 435 Szlovén gőzösök gözmozdony

The somewhat mixed historic train runs regularly between Celje and Imeno. There have long been railways between Maribor - Celje - Zidani Most and Celje - Grobelno - Krapina - Zagreb (with connections to Nagykanizsa - Budapest), but the journey on the curvy and steep railway from Zagreb to Maribor took too long so an alternative was being sought for. The new line was finally built in 1960 connecting the birtplace of Josip Broz Tito, Kumrovec, the later Imeno to the railway network and had daily fast trains between Maribor and Zagreb in the Yugoslavian era. The line connects to the Zagreb - Dobova - Ljubljana railway at Savski Marof and the Zagreb - Zabok - Đurmanec - Grobelno railway at Stranje. This photo has been taken on the common section where the Celje - Sveti Rok ob Sotli and the Celje - Imeno trains travel together; on the Croatian side traffic is only held between Savski Marof and Harmina and between Zabok and Đurmanec, but on the latter line scarce cross-border traffic has been restarted. You can see our photos taken on the Stranje - Zabok line on a previous trip here:

The SŽ 33 037 seen bet photo

The SŽ 33 037 seen between Atomske Toplice hotel and Podcertrek


Tags: Atomske Toplice hotel Podcertrek 434 Slovenian steam gözmozdony

The SŽ 33 037 seen bet photo

The SŽ 33 037 seen between Atomske Toplice hotel and Podcertrek


Tags: Atomske Toplice hotel Podcertrek 434 Slovenian steam gözmozdony

The SŽ 713 103 seen at photo

The SŽ 713 103 seen at Imeno


Tags: Imeno 434 813 713 103 FIAT napos motorkocsi Szlovénia

The SŽ 33 037 seen at  photo

The SŽ 33 037 seen at Imeno


Tags: Imeno 434 Slovenian steam gözmozdony

The SŽ 33 037 seen at  photo

The SŽ 33 037 seen at Imeno


Tags: Imeno 434 Slovenian steam gözmozdony

The SŽ 33 037 seen at  photo

The SŽ 33 037 seen at Imeno


Tags: Imeno 434 Slovenian steam gözmozdony

The SŽ 33 037 seen at  picture

The SŽ 33 037 seen at Imeno


Tags: Imeno 434 Szlovén gőzösök gözmozdony

The SŽ 33 037 seen bet picture

The SŽ 33 037 seen between Podcertrek toplice and Sodna vas


Tags: Sodna vas Podcertrek toplice 434 Szlovén gőzösök gözmozdony

On our way back we shot the train in a horseshoe-like curve which offered the best possible lighting and scenery at this morning hour. The place resembled the Acsa curve on the Aszód-Balassagyarmat line in Hungary.

The SŽ 33 037 seen bet picture

The SŽ 33 037 seen between Podcertrek toplice and Sodna vas


Tags: Sodna vas Podcertrek toplice 434 Szlovén gőzösök gözmozdony

On our way back we shot the train in a horseshoe-like curve which offered the best possible lighting and scenery at this morning hour. The place resembled the Acsa curve on the Aszód-Balassagyarmat line in Hungary.

Smarje pri Jelšah depo photo

Smarje pri Jelšah depot / loading area


Tags: Slovenia

On our way back we shot the train in a horseshoe-like curve which offered the best possible lighting and scenery at this morning hour. The place resembled the Acsa curve on the Aszód-Balassagyarmat line in Hungary.

The LTE 2016 904 seen betwe photo

The LTE 2016 904 seen between Štore and Celje


Tags: Celje Cilli Sentjur 202 434 435 2016 (private) 2016 904 magánvasút Szlovénia Herkules borult tehervonat magaslatról ipar LTE

The SŽ 363 037 seen be picture

The SŽ 363 037 seen between Celje and Štore


Tags: Celje Cilli Sentjur 202 434 435 363 363 037 borult tehervonat nyílt vonal magaslatról tartályvonat ipar gyár hegyek Szlovénia villanymozdony

The SŽ 342 014 seen be picture

The SŽ 342 014 seen between Celje and Laško hauling EC 151 Emona


Tags: Savinja Laško Celje Cilli 202 342

The SŽ 363 024 seen be photo

The SŽ 363 024 seen between Celje and Laško


Tags: Savinja Laško Celje Cilli 202 363 villanymozdony

The SŽ 363 027 seen be picture

The SŽ 363 027 seen between Laško and Celje with Smihel chapel (St Michael chapel) in the background


Tags: Savinja Laško Celje Cilli 202 363 363 027 borult nyílt vonal tehervonat hegyek Szlovénia villanymozdony falu

The SŽ 312-131 seen be photo

The SŽ 312-131 seen between Laško and Celje


Tags: Savinja Laško Celje Cilli 202 Desiro Desiro Szlovénia motorkocsi

The SŽ 363 036 seen at photo

The SŽ 363 036 seen at Celje


Tags: Celje Cilli 202 434 435 363 villanymozdony

The SŽ 363 025 seen at photo

The SŽ 363 025 seen at Celje


Tags: Celje Cilli 202 434 435 363 villanymozdony

The SŽ 33 037 seen at  photo

The SŽ 33 037 seen at Celje


Tags: Celje Cilli 202 434 435 Slovenian steam gözmozdony

Celje photo



Tags: Slovenia

The SŽ 814 126 seen be photo

The SŽ 814 126 seen between Šentvid pri Gobelnem and Smarje pri Jelšah near the tunnel


Tags: Šentvid pri Gobelnem Smarje pri Jelšah 434 435 813 814 126 FIAT motorkocsi alagút borult Szlovénia nyílt vonal falu hegyek hegyi vasút

The SŽ 814 126 seen be photo

The SŽ 814 126 seen between Šentvid pri Gobelnem and Smarje pri Jelšah near the tunnel


Tags: Šentvid pri Gobelnem Smarje pri Jelšah 434 435 813 814 126 FIAT motorkocsi borult hegyek falu Szlovénia

The SŽ 33 037 seen bet picture

The SŽ 33 037 seen between Šentvid pri Gobelnem and Smarje pri Jelšah near the tunnel


Tags: Šentvid pri Gobelnem Smarje pri Jelšah 434 435 Szlovén gőzösök gözmozdony

The ÖBB 4124 009-4 seen bet photo

The ÖBB 4124 009-4 seen between Deutschkreutz and Harka


Tags: Sopron rendező Sopron 220 15 4124 motorvonat ÖBB TALENT ÖBB CityShuttle festésű mozdony Ausztria

[VIDEO] Motion picture of the steam train to Imeno


Tags: Imeno 434 Szlovén gőzösök gözmozdony

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