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Snow at Viseu

The Mocanita CFF Viseu de Sus is a miracle in itself but with lots of steam locomotives in the snow it is out of this world.

The industrial shunter A21  photo

The industrial shunter A21 011 seen on exhibition at Pusztakettős


Tags: Pusztakettős 103 A21 A21 011 jelzö alakjelzö dízelmozdony szobormozdony elöjelzö Rába-mozdony

The MÁV M41 2213 seen at Pu photo

The MÁV M41 2213 seen at Pusztakettős, exhibited next to many other railway relics


Tags: Pusztakettős 103 M41 M41 2213 dízelmozdony felvételi épület megállóhely napos

The MÁV-START 117 169 seen  photo

The MÁV-START 117 169 seen on the Karcag-Tiszafüred branch line between Kunmadaras and Pusztakettős during sunrise


Tags: Pusztakettős Kunmadaras 103 Bzmot Bézé vicinális motorkocsi napkelte különleges fények

The MÁV-START 117 169 seen  picture

The MÁV-START 117 169 seen on the Karcag-Tiszafüred branch line between Kunmadaras and Pusztakettős during sunrise


Tags: Pusztakettős Kunmadaras 103 Bzmot 100 vicinális Bézé motorkocsi

A long roadtrip means you have to have a few breaks and we like to pick the locations for where you can photograph something railway-related. We departed to the Eastern Carpathian Mountains (currently the part of Northern Romania) to take photos of narrow-gauge forestry railways with steam locomotives running in the deep snow - but in the process had to visit Pusztakettős, a railway platform with an excessive collection of railway-related relics from the pantograph through signals to a complete diesel locomotive cab. In the meantime we took a photo of this Bzmot railcar in the humid weather of the sunrise colours. The photo is definitely not perfect but it shows the effort of the departure if our first break was to happen so early and at such a remote location. This photo was a first and necessary step in taking the rest of the shots in this gallery.

The CFR Calatori 64 1125-5  photo

The CFR Calatori 64 1125-5 seen hauling Transilvania EuroCity between Osorhei and Oradea Est Triaj halta


Tags: Fugyivásárhely Osorhei Oradea Est Triaj 552 CFR 65 641 1125 Románia dízelmozdony Sulzer borult tél CFR

The CFR Calatori 641 363-2  picture

The CFR Calatori 641 363-2 seen between Oradea Est Triaj and Osorhei


Tags: Fugyivásárhely Osorhei Oradea Est Triaj 552 CFR 65 641 363 Románia dízelmozdony Sulzer ipar jelzö tél nyílt vonal CFR határon túl ragadt vasútvonal

The Oradea to Cluj railway's construction was a difficult process; in fact, all railways were problematicly conceived and arrived late in Transylvania despite the natural resources offered by the area. Construction began by a state decision but soon an English private company (Waring&Eckersley) took over the construction and the rights for later exploitation. As the private company drifted toards bankrupcy it was nationalized and all offered lines were finished by the State Railway of Hungary (MÁV).

The CFR Calatori 641 363-2  picture

The CFR Calatori 641 363-2 seen between Negreni and Ciucea


Tags: Csucsa Ciucea Feketetó Negreni 552 CFR 65 641 363 Románia dízelmozdony Sulzer nyílt vonal hegyek sziklák CFR határon túl ragadt vasútvonal

The collapse of the Magyar Keleti Vasút (Hungarian Eastern Railways) was quick: their initial overuse of capital because of the badly selected construction company meant all later investment and loan was useless, so when the construction budget ran out for the second time the state quickly payed the banks and nationalised the railway even before the missing Cluj-Razboieni and Campia Turzii-Turda sections could be built. It became part of the Hungarian State Railways in 1878.

The CFR Calatori 641 363-2  picture

The CFR Calatori 641 363-2 seen between Poieni and Bologa


Tags: Sebesvár Bologa Kissebes Poieni 552 CFR 65 641 363 Románia dízelmozdony Sulzer havas nyílt vonal hegyek táj CFR határon túl ragadt vasútvonal

Exiting Oradea by train is not the definition of beautiful as it passes through industrial areas but soon mountains appear. The double track disappears though as it is only present on sections and of course its missing from the most beautiful and most difficult to build section between Vadu Crisului and Piatra Craiului in the gorge of the Crisul Repede river. Closer to Cluj Napoca the track becomes double again but the speeds are still not incredible. Hungarian and Romanian officials announced that the reconstruction of the line for 160 kph is soon going to start all along from Cluj through Oradea to Püspökladány, lying on the existing, refurbished mainline to Budapest.

The CFR Calatori 641 363-2  photo

The CFR Calatori 641 363-2 seen between Braisour and Huedin


Tags: Bánffyhunyad Huedin Malomszeg Braisour 552 CFR 65 641 363 Románia dízelmozdony Sulzer havas nyílt vonal hegyek CFR határon túl ragadt vasútvonal

The IRC (InterRegio Calator photo

The IRC (InterRegio Calatori) 628 493 seen between Huedin and Jebuc


Tags: Zsobok Jebuc Bánffyhunyad Huedin 552 Private motorkocsi Románia InterRegio Calatori

The IRC (InterRegio Calator photo

The IRC (InterRegio Calatori) 628 493 seen between Huedin and Jebuc


Tags: Zsobok Jebuc Bánffyhunyad Huedin 552 Private motorkocsi Románia InterRegio Calatori

The private operator's railcar serves as a shuttle train between Cluj Napoca and Huedin.

The contrast of a refurbish photo

The contrast of a refurbishment tableau and Jebuc halta platform


Tags: Zsobok Jebuc 552 Romania misc nemmozdony Románia

The CFR Calatori 41 0807-8  photo

The CFR Calatori 41 0807-8 seen hauling InterCity Harghita between Jucu and Apahida Halta


Tags: Apahida Dés Dej 553 552 ASEA 41 0807 Románia villanymozdony ASEA borult havas nyílt vonal oldalról hegyek CFR

The CFR Calatori 41 0055-4  photo

The CFR Calatori 41 0055-4 seen hauling the Bucuresti Nord through Cluj Napoca to Baia Mare InterRegio train between Cojocna and Apahida


Tags: Aranyosgyéres Campia Turzii Apahida 553 ASEA 41 0055 Románia villanymozdony ASEA napos felhos borult nyílt vonal havas táj tél magaslatról hegyek CFR

The CFR Calatori 41 0055-4  picture

The CFR Calatori 41 0055-4 seen hauling the Bucuresti Nord through Cluj Napoca to Baia Mare InterRegio train between Cojocna and Apahida


Tags: Aranyosgyéres Campia Turzii Apahida 553 ASEA (CFR 40) 41 0055 Románia villanymozdony ASEA tél nyílt vonal magaslatról hegyek táj CFR

The last railway section built by the Hungarian Eastern Railway (Magyar Keleti Vasút) before its nationalisation was the track connecting the Oradea - Cluj railway with the Alba Iulia - Sighisoara - Brasov line of the company. It made use of the already existing branch line between Teius and Targu Mures, connecting to Raboieni station in 1873. In the time the Medias - Sibiu branch was also already operational.

The CFR Calatori 40 0680-1  picture

The CFR Calatori 40 0680-1 Tricolor seen between Apahida Halta and Jucu


Tags: Apahida Dés Dej 553 552 ASEA (CFR 40) 40 0680 Románia villanymozdony ASEA tél Werbelok nyílt vonal különleges festés 40-romania havas CFR hangulat

The ASEA wearing the Romanian national colours took over the Bucusrest - Baia Mare IR from Clju Napoca and immediately took the necessary diesel with it as well, as the railway in the Somes valley from Dej to Jibou and then the line on to Baia Mare is not electrified. After these last, high ISO shots we travelled on to Viseu de Sus to take photos of the Mocanita in this beautiful, snowy weather. Before the main part of the gallery, let me show you a few other photos I took of Romanian electric locomotives on previous trips as they may be interesting to you:

The CFR Calatori 40 0680-1  photo

The CFR Calatori 40 0680-1 Tricolor seen between Apahida Halta and Jucu on the bridge of the river Somesul Mic


Tags: Apahida Dés Dej 553 552 ASEA 40 0680 Románia villanymozdony ASEA folyó nyílt vonal híd Werbelok 40-romania CFR

The CFR Calatori 41 0807-8  photo

The CFR Calatori 41 0807-8 seen hauling a Cluj Napoca to Sigheteu Marmatiei IR (with direct car to Ilva Mica on the line to Suceava) between Apahida Halta and Jucu


Tags: Apahida Dés Dej 553 552 ASEA 41 0807 Románia villanymozdony ASEA borult havas nyílt vonal CFR

The CFR Calatori 40 007 see picture

The CFR Calatori 40 007 seen exhibited at Dej Triaj


Tags: Dés Dej 306 310 553 552 Szlovák gözösök 40 007 gözmozdony CFR havas szobormozdony

The class TIVc., later series 40 of the MÁV was designed for the Caransebes - Bautari - Subcetate rack-and-pinion railway. Many locomotives survived its closure, one locomotive is on display at Subcetate, by the main road, and another one is here, at the Dej freight yard depot. One locomotive was moved to Slovakia, to the Tisovec - Brezno rack railway, where originally similar (but 4-8-0 wheel arrangement) TIVb. locomotives worked. Since the TIVc. was never adopted by the ČSD and CFR never worked in Czechoslovakia the TIVc. locomotive is used with the markings of Magyar Királyi Államvasutak, or His Majesty's Hungarian State Railways. Photos of the beautiful locomotive and great high-mountain environment can be seen here .

The CFR 12LDA31 seen on exh picture

The CFR 12LDA31 seen on exhibit at Dej Triaj


Tags: Dés Dej 306 310 553 552 CFR 60 Románia dízelmozdony CFR Sulzer futoház havas régi kétszekciós mozdony éjszakai

Another legendary oldtimer, the Sulzer prototype/demonstrator double locomotive is also on display at Dej, but behind the fences of the depot.

Morning at Viseu de Sus photo

Morning at Viseu de Sus


Tags: Felsővisó CFF Viseu de Sus CFF 308 CFF misc nemmozdony Románia kisvasút Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

The CFF 763 193 seen at Vis photo

The CFF 763 193 seen at Viseu de Sus


Tags: Felsővisó CFF Viseu de Sus CFF 308 CFF steam 763 193 Románia kisvasút gözmozdony Resita borult havas szobormozdony Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

The CFF Vişeu 764 435  photo

The CFF Vişeu 764 435 seen at Viseu de Sus


Tags: Felsővisó CFF Viseu de Sus CFF 308 CFF steam 764 435 Románia kisvasút gözmozdony Resita borult havas állomás Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

The CFF Vişeu D 1099.0 photo

The CFF Vişeu D 1099.04 at Viseu de Sus


Tags: Felsővisó CFF Viseu de Sus CFF 308 CFF misc nemmozdony Románia kisvasút Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

The baggage car was made for the Maybach Black Magic train, hauled by a Faur L45H locomotive and its donor was the ÖBB/NÖVOG 1099.04 electric locomotive of the Mariazellerbahn .

The Maybach Black Magic B4i photo

The Maybach Black Magic B4i 20226, probably of Swiss origin


Tags: Felsővisó CFF Viseu de Sus CFF 308 CFF misc nemmozdony Románia kisvasút Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

Railcar on exhibit at Viseu photo

Railcar on exhibit at Viseu de Sus


Tags: Felsővisó CFF Viseu de Sus CFF 308 CFF diesel Románia kisvasút havas motorkocsi szobormozdony Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

Originally it was kept in the backmost siding in a state like this , much has improved since.

The CFR 150.216 seen exhibi photo

The CFR 150.216 seen exhibited at Viseu de Sus


Tags: Felsővisó CFF Viseu de Sus CFF 308 CFF diesel 150 216 Románia gözmozdony havas szobormozdony CFR Kárpát-medencei kisvasút kisvasút

The BBÖ/ÖBB 1099.012-5 seen photo

The BBÖ/ÖBB 1099.012-5 seen at Viseu de Sus


Tags: 1099 (ÖBB)

This is my only photo of the locomotive from before.

Railcar on exhibit at Viseu photo

Railcar on exhibit at Viseu de Sus


Tags: Felsővisó CFF Viseu de Sus CFF 308 CFF diesel Románia kisvasút motorkocsi havas hegyek szobormozdony Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

Originally it was kept in the backmost siding in a state like this , much has improved since.

The CFF Vişeu 764 484  photo

The CFF Vişeu 764 484 seen at Viseu de Sus


Tags: Felsővisó CFF Viseu de Sus CFF 308 CFF steam 764 484 Románia kisvasút gözmozdony Resita havas szobormozdony Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

The CFF Vişeu unknown  photo

The CFF Vişeu unknown steam locomotive seen at Viseu de Sus


Tags: Felsővisó CFF Viseu de Sus CFF 308 CFF steam Románia kisvasút gözmozdony Resita szobormozdony Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

Christmas vibes at the CFF  picture

Christmas vibes at the CFF Vişeu / Wassertalbahn / Felsővisói Erdei Vasút / Viseu forestry Railway's base


Tags: Felsővisó CFF Viseu de Sus CFF 308 Románia nemmozdony Románia

The valley of the Vaser (Va photo

The valley of the Vaser (Vas-ér)


Tags: Novat Valea Scradei 308 Romania misc Románia

The CFF Vişeu 764 435  photo

The CFF Vişeu 764 435 Bavaria seen between Valea Scradei and Novat


Tags: Novat Valea Scradei 308 CFF steam 764 435 Románia kisvasút gözmozdony Resita borult havas tél nyílt vonal Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

The CFF Vişeu 764 435  picture

The CFF Vişeu 764 435 Bavaria seen between Valea Scradei and Novat

(Felsővisói Erdei Vasút)


Tags: Novat Valea Scradei 308 CFF gőzmozdonyok 764 435 Románia kisvasút gözmozdony Resita nyílt vonal borult havas tél Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

Swiss carriages at Viseu de picture

Swiss carriages at Viseu de Sus


Tags: Novat Valea Scradei 308 CFF egyéb nemmozdony Románia kisvasút Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

They are coming from the Wengernalpbahn in Switzerland and were extended with coal heating to better serve the local railway.

The CFF Vişeu 764 421  photo

The CFF Vişeu 764 421 Elvetia seen between Valea Scradei and Novat


Tags: Novat Valea Scradei 308 CFF steam 764 421 Románia kisvasút gözmozdony Resita borult nyílt vonal havas havas fák hegyek tél Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

The CFF Vişeu 764 421  picture

The CFF Vişeu 764 421 Elvetia seen between Valea Scradei and Novat

(Felsővisói Erdei Vasút)


Tags: Novat Valea Scradei 308 CFF gőzmozdonyok 764 421 Románia kisvasút gözmozdony Resita borult havas havas fák hegyek folyó magaslatról nyílt vonal tél Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

The CFF Vişeu 764 469  photo

The CFF Vişeu 764 469 Paltin seen between Valea Scradei and Novat


Tags: Novat Valea Scradei 308 CFF steam 764 469 Románia kisvasút gözmozdony Resita borult tél nyílt vonal havas folyó Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

The CFF Vişeu 764 469  picture

The CFF Vişeu 764 469 Paltin seen between Valea Scradei and Novat

(Felsővisói Erdei Vasút)


Tags: Novat Valea Scradei 308 CFF gőzmozdonyok 764 469 Románia kisvasút gözmozdony Resita borult havas hegyek folyó havas fák nyílt vonal tél Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

We took this shot from the snow and ice covered meander of the Vaser. It's lucky the morning trains always have the chimny first and that the modern Swiss cars come at the end of the train. You may want to have a look at the drone photo of my friend, Loránd Gábor Nagy:

The CFF Vişeu 764 469  photo

The CFF Vişeu 764 469 Paltin seen between Valea Scradei and Novat


Tags: Novat Valea Scradei 308 CFF steam 764 469 Románia kisvasút gözmozdony Resita borult tél nyílt vonal havas havas fák Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

The CFF Vişeu 764 408  photo

The CFF Vişeu 764 408 Cozia-1 seen between Valea Scradei and Novat


Tags: Novat Valea Scradei 308 CFF steam 764 408 Románia kisvasút gözmozdony Resita tél nyílt vonal havas magaslatról hegyek sziklák teleobjektív Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

The CFF Vişeu 764 408  picture

The CFF Vişeu 764 408 Cozia-1 seen between Valea Scradei and Novat

(Felsővisói Erdei Vasút)


Tags: Novat Valea Scradei 308 CFF gőzmozdonyok 764 408 Románia kisvasút gözmozdony Resita borult folyó havas hegyek havas fák legjobb sziklák táj magaslatról nyílt vonal tél Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

The iconic steam locomotives of the Romanian narrow-gauge forestry railways were built at Resita and Reghin based on the plans of the MÁVAG 490 . Construction started during the days of the restoration of Transylvania to the Kingdom of Hungary and went on until the 1980s. Some locomotives were later sold to Hungary, but currently only the Csömödér and Gemenc railways' locomotives are operational and the Gyöngyös locomotive called Gyöngyi is undergoing overhaul. The other locomotives are probably not going to be repaired. A few of my photos of Resita and Reghin built steam locomotives:

The UT ASEA 40 0727 seen sh picture

The UT ASEA 40 0727 seen shunting at Iacobeni


Tags: Iacobeni 306 Private villanymozdony Románia ASEA magánvasút

The UT 40 0727 seen at Iaco photo

The UT 40 0727 seen at Iacobeni


Tags: Iacobeni 306 Private villanymozdony Románia ASEA magánvasút

An unidentified CFR 41 seen photo

An unidentified CFR 41 seen between Argestru and Iacobeni


Tags: ASEA 41 Románia villanymozdony ASEA borult havas nyílt vonal magaslatról táj CFR

An unidentified CFR 40 seen picture

An unidentified CFR 40 seen hauling the Galati-Iasi-Cluj Napoca IR fast train between Iacobeni and Argestru


Tags: ASEA (CFR 40) 40 Románia villanymozdony ASEA borult nyílt vonal táj magaslatról hegyek havas CFR

The UT 40 0727 seen between picture

The UT 40 0727 seen between Iacobeni and Argestru


Tags: Private villanymozdony Románia ASEA magánvasút

The CFR Calatori 461 113-9  photo

The CFR Calatori 461 113-9 seen between Iacobeni and Argestru


Tags: Koncar 461 113 ASEA Románia villanymozdony CFR borult nyílt vonal magaslatról táj havas hegyek folyó tél

The CFR Calatori 461 113-9  picture

The CFR Calatori 461 113-9 seen between Iacobeni and Argestru


Tags: Koncar 461 113 ASEA Románia villanymozdony CFR nyílt vonal magaslatról táj hegyek havas havas fák folyó legjobb borult tél hangulat

Depot Halta Vatra Dornei Ba photo

Depot Halta Vatra Dornei Bai


Tags: Romania misc nemmozdony Románia Fachwerkhaus

The CFR Calatori 461 113-9  picture

The CFR Calatori 461 113-9 seen at Vatra Dornei Bai


Tags: Koncar 461 113 ASEA Románia villanymozdony CFR állomás felvételi épület havas hegyek város borult tél hangulat Fachwerkhaus

We managed to catch up at this pretty little stop with the ASEA -license locomotive.

The CFR Calatori 40 0699 se photo

The CFR Calatori 40 0699 seen at Vatra Dornei station


Tags: ASEA 40 0699 Románia villanymozdony ASEA borult havas táj havas fák CFR

The CFR Marfa 60 1065-1 see photo

The CFR Marfa 60 1065-1 seen at Vatra Dornei station


Tags: 60 60 1065 Románia dízelmozdony CFR Sulzer havas állomás

[VIDEO] Snow shots from the Mocanita Viseu de Sus


Tags: Valea Scradei 308 CFF gőzmozdonyok 764 Románia kisvasút gözmozdony Resita videó havas táj folyó hegyek havas fák tél Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

If you liked this video or would like to get notifications from upcoming uploads or live checkins, please subscribe to my Youtube-channel!

And here is a little preview from my Instagram of what is coming up next in part two:

Part two has since been published so you can now read about the Mocanita Moldovita narrow-gauge railway and its life in wintertime!

Thank you for your attention. Please stay at benbe.hu.

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