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Special trains in Western Slovakia

Kredenc, steamer, 753, retro-810 and many other spectacular sights from the Dunajská Streda, Nitra and Zlaté Moravce regions.

The ŽSSK 812 028 seen  picture

The ŽSSK 812 028 seen between Tekovské Lužany and Želiezovce


Tags: Nagysalló Tekovské Lužany Zseliz želiezovce 352 812 (ZSSK) 812 028 motorkocsi Szlovákia Bézé napos nyílt vonal magaslatról szántóföld határon túl ragadt vasútvonal ZSSK régi festésű mozdony ZSSK Blonski kocsik ŽSSK

In this album we visit historic trains that ran in the South-Western part of Slovakia, but on our way we may have caught something a little further from the area and we definitely tried to take a photo of as many of the other trains we came across as possible. Notably this class 812 railcar with its trailer came from Levice and was on its way to Štúrovo. Unfortunately in the past ten years both the track conditions and the train lengths saw a decline.

The ŽSSK 240 097-6 see picture

The ŽSSK 240 097-6 seen between Vežké Kozmálovce and Kozárovce


Tags: Garam Hron Garamkovácsi Kozárovce Tlmače 350 240 (ZSSK) 240 097 villanymozdony ŽSSK napos ZSSK Blonski kocsik ZSSK Blonski festésű mozdony nyílt vonal hegyek sziklák Szlovákia Laminátka határon túl ragadt vasútvonal

Line 150 from Palárikovo to Zvolen is not one for which I would organize a trip in particular but we took photos along it many times during other trips. Here is the collection .

The ŽSR 710 429-2 seen photo

The ŽSR 710 429-2 seen at Kozárovce


Tags: Garamkovácsi Kozárovce 350 ZSCS 710

This could also be a historic train, but we just found this ballast laying train waiting at the station.

The ŽSR M262 004 seen  photo

The ŽSR M262 004 seen between Kozárovce zastávka and Valkovce


Tags: M262 M262 004 Szlovákia motorkocsi homlokátjáró

The ŽSR M262 004 seen  picture

The ŽSR M262 004 seen between Prílepi and Zlaté Moravce


Tags: M262 M262 004 Szlovákia motorkocsi homlokátjáró

Our first historic train was a ČSD M262 type diesel-electric railcar built for the regio-express trains in the 1950s mostly. They are nicknamed Cupboard/Kredenc for the two-door entryway. The photo was taken on an interesting piece of railway line: the Leopoldov - Lužianky - Zlaté Moravce - Kozárovce railway. Its construction was influenced by the fact that all other railways in the region follow rivers: the line to Zvolne the Hron to the North-East, the line to Topo'lcianky the Žitava to the North and the line to Prievidza (and on to Handlová and Nitrianské Pravno) the Nitra also to the North, but they were only connected in the Nové Zamky region. The three sections were built in different times: the Lužianky - Leopoldov, that served the connection of Nitra and Prievidza to Bratislava in 1898, the Zlaté Moravce to Kozárovce (connecting to Zvolen) in 1912, both in the Hungarian times, while after the Vienna Awards, ČSD built the middle section in 1938.

The photo was taken on the Kozárovce - Zlaté Moravce section which is mostly unused nowadays. The middle section has a part that is revitalized by the new Nitra Jaguar/Land Rover car manufacturing plant as an industrial siding, but the rest of the line, cut in half by the new plant, will be dismantled. The third section between Lužianky and Leopoldov serving regional trains from Nitra and fast trains from Prievidza as far as Bratislava has a top speed of 100 km/h apart from the occasional restrictions in curves, so its fate is safe even in the long run.

The ŽSSK 861 023-4 see photo

The ŽSSK 861 023-4 seen at Zlaté Moravce


Tags: 861 861 023 motorvonat ŽSSK Szlovákia napos ZSSK Blonski festésű mozdony

The ŽSR M262 004 seen  photo

The ŽSR M262 004 seen between Diakovce and Tešedíkovo


Tags: M262 M262 004 Szlovákia motorkocsi homlokátjáró

The ŽSR M262 004 seen  photo

The ŽSR M262 004 seen between Žihárec and Vlčany


Tags: M262 M262 004 Szlovákia motorkocsi homlokátjáró

The ŽSR M262 004 seen  photo

The ŽSR M262 004 seen between Vlčany and Neded


Tags: M262 M262 004 Szlovákia motorkocsi homlokátjáró

The ŽSR M262 004 seen  photo

The ŽSR M262 004 seen between Vlčany and Neded


Tags: M262 M262 004 Szlovákia motorkocsi homlokátjáró

The ŽSR M262 004 seen  photo

The ŽSR M262 004 seen between Vlčany and Neded


Tags: M262 M262 004 Szlovákia motorkocsi homlokátjáró

The extremely worn down sta photo

The extremely worn down station building at Neded


Tags: Slovakian railways Szlovákia nemmozdony

The ŽSR M262 004 seen  picture

The ŽSR M262 004 seen at Neded station


Tags: M262 M262 004 Szlovákia motorkocsi homlokátjáró

The local railway from Sa'la to Neded was opened in 1909 to the Southern direction from the Bratislava-Nové Zámky line. Passenger traffic has been discontinued since 2003 and charters are a rare sight as well. It could have been connected with the Komarno - Kolárovo railway, but it will never happen now as it is very close to the main-line like Komarno - Nové Zámky railway. We might never see timetabled trains here anymore and one can never know which charter will have been the last one on the line.

The ŽSR M262 004 seen  photo

The ŽSR M262 004 seen between Neded and Vlčany


Tags: M262 M262 004 Szlovákia motorkocsi homlokátjáró

The ŽSR M262 004 seen  picture

The ŽSR M262 004 seen between Vlčany and Neded


Tags: M262 M262 004 Szlovákia motorkocsi homlokátjáró

The railcar did a quick shuttle return trip with the locals to the next station and back.

The ŽSSK 861 010-1 see photo

The ŽSSK 861 010-1 seen between Hlhovec and K'lačany


Tags: 861 861 010 motorvonat ŽSSK Szlovákia napos nyílt vonal ZSSK Blonski festésű mozdony

The ŽSSK 861 010-1 see photo

The ŽSSK 861 010-1 seen between Zbehy and Zbehy obec


Tags: 861 861 010 motorvonat ŽSSK Szlovákia napos nyílt vonal távírópózna ZSSK Blonski festésű mozdony

The ŽSSK 750 182-8 see picture

The ŽSSK 750 182-8 seen between Jelšovce and Zbehy


Tags: 750 (ZSSK) 750 182 Szlovákia dízelmozdony ŽSSK Búvár napos ZSSK Blonski kocsik ZSSK Blonski festésű mozdony magaslatról nyílt vonal szántóföld

After seeing the railcar around Neded we returned to Zbehy to catch a Prievidza to Bratislava fast train hauled by a Goggles (Okularnyk/Brejlovec) locomotive. This photo was taken on the Jelšovce to Zbehy track, a triangle used exclusively by these fast trains, while all regional trains travel between Nitra and Leopoldov or Nitra and Prievidza, mostly with class 861 DMUs. The latter can sometimes be found as carriages hauled by ŽSSK class 736 locomotives. Interestingly Prievidza has a few trains consisting of class 813 DMUs that will fill in gaps in the timetable but only as far as Topo'lčany.

The ŽSSK 913 037-8 see photo

The ŽSSK 913 037-8 seen at Zbehy obec


Tags: 813-913 913 037 Szlovákia motorkocsi Bézé ZSSK Blonski festésű mozdony

The ŽSSK 913 037-8 see picture

The ŽSSK 913 037-8 seen at Zbehy obec


Tags: 813-913 (ZSSK) 913 037 Szlovákia motorkocsi Bézé ZSSK Blonski festésű mozdony

The ŽSSK 861 010-1 see picture

The ŽSSK 861 010-1 seen between Zbehy and Andač


Tags: 861 861 010 napos hegyek nyílt vonal jelzö bejárati jelzö alakjelzö motorvonat ŽSSK Szlovákia ZSSK Blonski festésű mozdony

The ŽSSK 861 010-1 see picture

The ŽSSK 861 010-1 seen between Zlaté Moravce and Tešárske Mlyňány


Tags: 861 861 028 motorvonat ŽSSK Szlovákia napos magaslatról nyílt vonal város ZSSK Blonski festésű mozdony

As we have never before taken photos of the Nové Zámky to Topo'lčianky railway we decided to follow and afternoon train from Zlaté Moravce along the tracks. The last station is not served as it has a lower passenger rating (how surprising), but the rest is weak as well: there are six-hour-long gaps without trains and most of the modern railcars travel only to Úlany, where you change to a train headed to Šurany, where you can change towards Bratislava or Nové Zámky, if you still have the nerves to do that. And this railway has a maximum speed of 100 kph and fairly high population inhabited areas.

The ŽSSK 861 028-3 see photo

The ŽSSK 861 028-3 seen at the Zlaté Moravce to Nové Zámky railway


Tags: 861 861 028 motorvonat ŽSSK Szlovákia napos nyílt vonal ZSSK Blonski festésű mozdony

The ŽSSK 861 028-3 see picture

The ŽSSK 861 028-3 seen at the Zlaté Moravce to Nové Zámky railway


Tags: 861 861 028 motorvonat ŽSSK Szlovákia napos nyílt vonal jelzö bejárati jelzö alakjelzö ZSSK Blonski festésű mozdony

The ŽSSK 861 028-3 see photo

The ŽSSK 861 028-3 seen at the Zlaté Moravce to Nové Zámky railway


Tags: 861 861 028 motorvonat ŽSSK Szlovákia napos nyílt vonal magaslatról ZSSK Blonski festésű mozdony

The ŽSSK 240 121-4 see photo

The ŽSSK 240 121-4 seen between Hul and Užany nad Žitavou


Tags: Óhaj-Hull Hul Zsitvafödémes 350 ZSSK 240 240 121 villanymozdony ŽSSK napos ZSSK régi festésű mozdony ZSSK Blonski kocsik ZSSK személyvonati kocsik nyílt vonal árnyékos Laminátka

On our way home to Budapest we took a few photos on the Bratislava - Zvolen line around the first few hills after Šurany.

The ŽSSK 362 003-3 see photo

The ŽSSK 362 003-3 seen between Óhaj-Hull and Zsitvafödémes


Tags: Óhaj-Hull Hul Zsitvafödémes 350 ZSSK 363 362 003 napos ZSSK régi festésű mozdony ZSSK Blonski kocsik nyílt vonal

An unidentified ŽSSK 2 picture

An unidentified ŽSSK 240 seen between Zsitvafödémes and Óhaj-Hull


Tags: Alsószecse Dolná Seč Alsóvárad Tekovský Hrádok 352 240 (ZSSK) 240 villanymozdony ŽSSK napos nyílt vonal magaslatról ZSSK Blonski kocsik ZSSK Blonski festésű mozdony szántóföld Laminátka

An unidentified ŽSSK 3 picture

An unidentified ŽSSK 363 seen between Óhaj-Hull and Zsitvafödémes


Tags: Rendve Radava Óhaj-Hull Hul 350 363 (ZSSK) 363 Szlovákia napos nyílt vonal nyár magaslatról táj ZSSK Blonski festésű mozdony ZSSK Blonski kocsik

The landscape is acceptable. Or perhaps better than that.

The ŽSSK 861 030-5 see photo

The ŽSSK 861 030-5 seen between Andač and Alekšince


Tags: 861 861 030 motorvonat ŽSSK Szlovákia napos nyílt vonal magaslatról táj víz falu ZSSK Blonski festésű mozdony

The ŽSR 475.196 seen b picture

The ŽSR 475.196 seen between Andač and Alekšince


Tags: Szlovák gözösök 475 196 gözmozdony nosztalgia vonat nyílt vonal táj magaslatról napos szántóföld Szlovákia

On our second trip we wanted to catch a few trains that went to the Rendez 2018 locomotive parade at Bratislava Vychod station. There are many guest vehicles at the locomotive museum that is at the old depot of the marshalling yard and there also are charters running to the parade both from inside Bratislava (Hlavná and Petržalka stations) and from further cities. We first caught the steam train that departed from Nitra to the parade. In the future, we will have to visit the parade and the charters as well, but now we wanted to catch some of the special trains and photographed anything that we came across.

The ŽSR 753 109-8 seen picture

The ŽSR 753 109-8 seen between Andač and Alekšince


Tags: 750 (ZSSK) 753 109 Szlovákia dízelmozdony Búvár ZSSK régi festésű mozdony ŽSR tehervonat tolatós tehervonat tüzoltóvonat víz különleges festés retró napos ŽSSK

The Okularnyk or Brejlovec is probably the best known Czechoslovakian locomotives that came in many different types and flavours. The class 753 was mostly used with passenger trains that needed steam heating, then later were withdrawn to local freight train duty. Eventually most of them were rebuilt as classes 750 and 756, only this museum locomotive remained. This is the firefighting train (can we call it a fire engine?) that is compulsory behind steamers. There seems to be a trend for these trains to appear more like a standard freight train nowadays, which is certainly something I am really happy for. More Okularnyk photos can be found here, and more of firefighting trains here.

An unidentified ŽSSK 7 photo

An unidentified ŽSSK 757 seen between Andač and Alekšince


Tags: 757 757 ŽSSK Szlovákia dízelmozdony Búvár nyílt vonal ZSSK Blonski festésű mozdony ZSSK Blonski kocsik szántóföld magaslatról táj víz távírópózna napos

An unidentified ŽSSK 2 picture

An unidentified ŽSSK 263 seen between Šal'a and Trnovec nad Váhom on the bridge of the Váh river


Tags: Vág-híd most cez Váh Vágsellye Tornóc Trnovec nad Váhom 370 263 (ZSSK) 263 villanymozdony Szlovákia Pershingszabásúak Pershingfélék napos ZSSK Blonski festésű mozdony ZSSK Blonski kocsik emeletes vonat nyílt vonal oldalról táj víz folyó híd határon túl ragadt vasútvonal

An unidentified ČD 380 picture

An unidentified ČD 380 Messerschmitt seen between Šal'a and Trnovec nad Váhom


Tags: Vág-híd most cez Váh Vágsellye Tornóc Trnovec nad Váhom 370 ČD 380 380 ČD villanymozdony CD régi festésű mozdony híd folyó víz CD Najbrt festésű kocsi napos nyílt vonal Ceske Dráhy

An unidentified ŽSSK 2 picture

An unidentified ŽSSK 240 seen between Šal'a and Trnovec nad Váhom


Tags: Vág-híd most cez Váh Vágsellye Tornóc Trnovec nad Váhom 370 240 (ZSSK) 240 villanymozdony ŽSSK napos ZSSK régi festésű mozdony ZSSK Blonski kocsik nyílt vonal híd víz folyó ember bárányfelhok Laminátka határon túl ragadt vasútvonal

The RegioJet 628 315-3 seen picture

The RegioJet 628 315-3 seen between Ve'lká Paka and Lehnice


Tags: RegioJet 628 315 Szlovákia RegioJet motorvonat magánvasút napos nyílt vonal bárányfelhok templom mellékvonal

The ČSD M152 0160 seen photo

The ČSD M152 0160 seen between Ve'lká Paka and Lehnice


Tags: 810 M152 0160 810 motorkocsi Szlovákia ČSD nyár napos nyílt vonal bárányfelhok Bézé mellékvonal nosztalgia vonat ZSSK régi festésű mozdony

An unidentified RegioJet De picture

An unidentified RegioJet Desiro seen between Lehnice and Ve'lká Paka


Tags: RegioJet Szlovákia RegioJet motorvonat magánvasút Desiro fák nyílt vonal napos bárányfelhok szántóföld mellékvonal

An unidentified RegioJet Ta photo

An unidentified RegioJet Talent seen between Lehnice and Ve'lká Paka


Tags: RegioJet Szlovákia RegioJet motorvonat magánvasút szántóföld napos Talent nyílt vonal mellékvonal

An unidentified RegioJet Ta picture

An unidentified RegioJet Talent seen between Lehnice and Ve'lká Paka


Tags: RegioJet Szlovákia RegioJet motorvonat magánvasút Talent nyílt vonal napos fák szántóföld mellékvonal

The ČSD M152 0160 seen picture

The ČSD M152 0160 seen between Lehnice and Ve'lká Paka


Tags: 810 (ZSSK) M152 0160 810 motorkocsi Szlovákia ČSD különleges festés nosztalgia vonat retró nyílt vonal fák bárányfelhok napos szántóföld nyár Bézé mellékvonal határon túl ragadt vasútvonal ZSSK régi festésű mozdony

No trip to the North can be complete without taking photos of the typical small railcars of the area . This time we caught a really special one because of Rendez.

Roco is now selling an H0 (or, in English, HO) railway model at item number 70372, depicting the ČSD M152 0059 in era IV in a similar livery.

Váh river bridge at Komárom photo

Váh river bridge at Komárom


Tags: ZSSK671 671 ZSSK Blonski festésű mozdony Szlovákia motorvonat emeletes vonat híd folyó víz

No trip to the North can be complete without taking photos of the typical small railcars of the area . This time we caught a really special one because of Rendez.

The ŽSSK 812 050-7 see picture

The ŽSSK 812 050-7 seen between Stúrovo and Kamenny Most nad Hronom with the Basilica of Esztergom in the background


Tags: Kőhídgyarmat Kamenny Most nad Hronom Párkány-Nána Stúrovo 352 812 (ZSSK) 812 050 motorkocsi Szlovákia Bézé felhos nyílt vonal templom táj város hegyek magaslatról ZSSK régi festésű mozdony ZSSK Blonski kocsik ŽSSK

For our last photo of the day we climbed into a bean field to take a photo of this train with the Basilica in the background. We will have to repeat it with more Sun.

I would like to recommend some further photo collections if you are interested. For the colourfulness of Slovakia, click here . You can find some beautiful class 75x photos in this album . For some more historic railcars, check this out ! You may also like Czech railcars , from the other side of the border.

Thank you for your attention. Please stay at benbe.hu.

Keress a címkék közöttg

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Locomotive classes:

M262 861 240 812 913 M152 810 750 362 363 475 753


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