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Lillafüred Logging Railway: 100 years and a little
The spectacular mountain railway shows off some new photos and also refers to some of the highlights of the network.
The LÁEV Mk48 2021 seen between Lillafüred and Újmassa-ŐskohóPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 11:33:41 Tags: Fazolakohó Újmassa-Őskohó Szomorú 330 Mk 48 kisvasút dízelmozdony Kárpát-medencei kisvasút Rába-mozdony Mk48 |
The LÁEV Mk48 2021 seen between Lillafüred and Újmassa-ŐskohóPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 12:29:16 Tags: Mk 48 kisvasút dízelmozdony Kárpát-medencei kisvasút Rába-mozdony Mk48 |
The century jubilee LÁEV's D02 510 seen between Lillafüred and Fazolakohó on the Curved BridgePhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 13:01:19 Tags: Fazolakohó Újmassa-Őskohó Szomorú 330 Mk 48 D02 510 Mk48 kisvasút dízelmozdony Kárpát-medencei kisvasút Rába-mozdony erdo hegyek borult híd viadukt osz |
This year the Lillafüred Logging Railway is 100 years old, but a weekend visit to Miskolc and the Zemplén mountains was fun anyway. On the way there I stopped at Felsőtárkány and on the way back I took a lot of photos at Pálháza. All these are going to be shared here soon. In the meantime photos from near Hámori Lake are going to be shown of the LÁEV main line as all other sections had been thoroughly photographed on previous trips and photo charters. If you do not want to miss any updates on the website please follow the Facebook page of
The line requests a rather high-stake position for itself in the list of starting dates for narrow-gauge railways:
A vasút neve | Első megnyitott szakasza | Megnyitás éve |
Zsuzsi Erdei Vasút | Debrecen – Nyírmártonfalva (950 mm) | 1882 |
Pálházai Erdei Vasút | Pálháza ipartelep – Kőkapu (700 mm) | 1888 |
Királyréti Erdei Vasút | Kismaros – Királyrét (600 mm) | 1893 |
Almamelléki Erdei Vasút | Almamellék – Lukafa | 1901 |
Mátravasút | Gyöngyössolymos – Nyírjes (600 mm) | 1906 |
Szilvásváradi Erdei Vasút | Szilvásvárad – Tótfalusi-völgy | 1908 |
Nagybörzsönyi Erdei Vasút / Bezina-völgyi Erdei Vasút | Ipolypásztó – Kisírtáspuszta (600 mm) | 1908 |
Kemencei Erdei Múzeumvasút | Kemence – Királyháza | 1910 |
Felsőtárkányi Erdei Vasút | Felsőtárkány – Petres (Hidegkúti-völgyi vonal) | 1915 |
Hortobágyi Halastavi Kisvasút | ismeretlen (lóvasút) | 1915 |
Csömödéri Erdei Vasút | Csömödér – Szentpéterfölde | 1918 |
Lillafüredi Erdei Vasút | Fáskert – Garadna | 1920 |
Mesztegnyői Erdei Vasút | Mesztegnyő – Nagyhomok | 1925 |
Gyermekvasút | Széchenyi-hegy – Előre | 1948 |
Balatonfenyvesi Gazdasági Vasút | Balatonfenyves – Központi Főmajor | 1950 |
Kaszói Állami Erdei Vasút | Szenta – Bojsza – Rinya | 1952 |
Gemenci Erdei Vasút | Keselyűs – Gemenc | 1955 |
Debreceni Vidámparki Kisvasút | - | 1960 |
Mecseki Kisvasút | Állatkert – Vidámpark | 1962 |
Nagycenki Széchenyi Múzeumvasút | Fertőboz – Barátság | 1970 |
Vál-völgyi Kisvasút | Puskás Akadémia – Alcsútdobozi Arborétum | 2015 |
Gödöllői Erdei Vasút | Csemete-rét – Arborétum | 2020 |
Veresegyházi Medveotthon Kisvasút | ismeretlen | 2021 (?) |
The Hámori Lake at LillafüredPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 13:13:00 Tags: Landscape |
This year the Lillafüred Logging Railway is 100 years old, but a weekend visit to Miskolc and the Zemplén mountains was fun anyway. On the way there I stopped at Felsőtárkány and on the way back I took a lot of photos at Pálháza. All these are going to be shared here soon. In the meantime photos from near Hámori Lake are going to be shown of the LÁEV main line as all other sections had been thoroughly photographed on previous trips and photo charters. If you do not want to miss any updates on the website please follow the Facebook page of
The Palotaszálló hotel at LillafüredPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 13:15:08 Tags: Architecture |
This year the Lillafüred Logging Railway is 100 years old, but a weekend visit to Miskolc and the Zemplén mountains was fun anyway. On the way there I stopped at Felsőtárkány and on the way back I took a lot of photos at Pálháza. All these are going to be shared here soon. In the meantime photos from near Hámori Lake are going to be shown of the LÁEV main line as all other sections had been thoroughly photographed on previous trips and photo charters. If you do not want to miss any updates on the website please follow the Facebook page of
Cave at LillafüredPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 13:16:21 Tags: Nature |
Obelisk at LillafüredPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 13:17:03 Tags: Architecture |
Bridal photos taken at Lillafüred, next to the waterfallPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 13:18:54 Tags: Természet |
The Szinva creek originally ended in Hámori Lake, the artificial waterfalls were built together with the Palotaszálló hotel.
The waterfall at LillafüredPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 13:20:03 Tags: Nature |
The bridges of the LÁEV main line and triangle over the Szinva channel at LillafüredPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 13:25:21 Tags: Lillafüred 330 Bridges |
PalotaszállóPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 13:26:19 Tags: Építészet |
The LÁEV A02-602 seen between Puskaporos and LillafüredPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 13:31:01 Tags: Lillafüred Puskaporos 330 ABa mot ABamot 2 A02 602 alagútkapu motorkocsi Kárpát-medencei kisvasút kisvasút nosztalgia vonat Frigyláda borult alagút fekete-fehér GIMP |
In 2020 the LÁEV celebrated its 100th anniversary. The Children's Railway's LÁEV-origin multiple unit could have payed a visit but it didn't actually happen (this is a photo editing, done with artifacts on purpose). Still it would be nice to see the train on its original track even though it had been seriously mistreated on the line before and MÁV has more than paid for the train. Currently, on the Children's Railway Budapest, the whole train is operational except the post car .
The photo of course is a photo editing job made by GIMP and it contains some intentional flaws to give it away in case being stolen.
Lillafüred - the runaround sidings (loop) at the junction triangle (wye) of the Kerekhegy linePhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 13:31:58 Tags: Lillafüred 330 Bridges |
The line used to climb the hill a little bit to the left of these tracks. It is a lot more visible now after the reconstruction of 2018.
Lillafüred - the end of the current line after the junction to KerekhegyPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 13:33:18 Tags: Lillafüred 330 Track |
Originally the Kerekhegy line immediately started climbing after the triangle (wye) and this two-track storage loop was built level. Currently only this loop exists, the line to Kerekhegy was lifted in the eighties. The loop now connects to the triangle and the LÁEV main line with a lot more elaborate track connection.
The LÁEV D02 510 seen between Puskaporos and Lillafüred on the Görbe-híd (Curved Bridge)Photographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 14:02:39 Tags: Fazolakohó Újmassa-Őskohó Szomorú 330 Mk 48 D02 510 Mk48 kisvasút dízelmozdony Kárpát-medencei kisvasút Rába-mozdony erdo híd viadukt hegyek borult |
The LÁEV Mk48 2021 seen between Lillafüred and Fazola-kohóPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 14:27:09 Tags: Fazolakohó Újmassa-Őskohó Szomorú 330 Mk 48 Mk48 2021 alagútkapu kisvasút dízelmozdony Kárpát-medencei kisvasút Rába-mozdony alagút nyílt vonal |
The LÁEV Mk48 2021 seen between Lillafüred and Fazola-kohóPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 14:27:46 Tags: Fazolakohó Újmassa-Őskohó Szomorú 330 Mk 48 Mk48 2021 alagútkapu kisvasút dízelmozdony Kárpát-medencei kisvasút Rába-mozdony alagút jelzö bejárati jelzö fényjelzö |
Near entry signal G of Lillafüred station the the portal of the Lillafüred II. tunnel.
Boats on the Hámor-tó lake viewed from the narrow-gauge linePhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 14:30:10 Tags: Bridges |
The signs of a long derailingPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 14:44:54 Tags: Track |
The objects at display at the mining museum at Fazola-kohóPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 15:12:45 Tags: Narrow gauge kisvasút |
The objects at display at the mining museum at Fazola-kohóPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 15:12:50 Tags: Local history |
The objects at display at the mining museum at Fazola-kohóPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 15:14:28 Tags: Local history |
The water-powered blacksmith's building at Fazola-kohóPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 15:16:41 Tags: Local history |
The LÁEV Mk48 2021 seen between Fazola-kohó and SzomorúPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 15:21:35 Tags: Fazolakohó Újmassa-Őskohó Szomorú 330 Mk 48 kisvasút dízelmozdony Kárpát-medencei kisvasút Rába-mozdony Mk48 |
The LÁEV Mk48 2021 seen at Fazola-kohóPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 15:21:50 Tags: Fazolakohó Újmassa-Őskohó 330 Mk 48 kisvasút dízelmozdony Kárpát-medencei kisvasút Rába-mozdony Mk48 |
The LÁEV Mk48 2021 seen between Fazola-kohó and SzomorúPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 15:23:24 Tags: Narrow gauge kisvasút |
The MVK Zrt. Škoda 26T 608 seen at Felső-Majláth terminusPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 15:37:38 |
You can see Lilla, the steam locomotive in the background.
The MVK Zrt. Škoda 26T 608 seen at Felső-Majláth terminusPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 15:38:44 |
MVK MAN buses at Felső-MajláthPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 15:39:22 Tags: Bus |
The LÁEV C02 408 seen at Diósgyőr-MajláthPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 15:40:30 |
Lilla and the dismantled listing-worthy building being rebuilt in a modern fashionPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 15:41:57 Tags: Majláth Diósgyőr-Majláth 330 Lilla |
The original deserved better . You can find this kind of locomotive at work among my pictures of narrow-gauge steam locomotives at St. Petersburg, Russia:
The Miskolc-Diósgyőr local railway's (tram line 2) bridge over the Szinva river near Újgyőri főtérPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 15:58:27 |
The MÁV-Start 478 314 seen at Miskolc-Gömöri hauling a local freight trainPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 16:14:54 Tags: Gömöri pu. 92 94 M47 1300 (MÁV) 478 314 dízelmozdony tolatómozdony tehervonat tolatós tehervonat állomás borult |
I also recorded my encounter with the local goods train on a video that also shows the changes of the various signals in the area:
The Bobo kft. 449 013 seen at Miskolc-GömöriPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 16:19:36 Tags: Magánbobók |
The Bobo kft. 449 011 seen at Miskolc-GömöriPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 16:20:11 Tags: 40 44 |
The MÁV UDJ 9555 9482 028-5 seen at Miskolc-GömöriPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 16:20:13 Tags: Gömöri pu. 92 94 Maintenance |
The only shape and light combined signal.Photographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 16:20:20 |
Miskolc - Gömöri Railway StationPhotographed by: Takács Bence Captured at: 2020:10:03 16:20:59 Tags: Gömöri pu. 92 94 Felveteli épületek |
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Locomotive classes:
Mk48 D02 ABamot A02 478
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