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The destruction of and around CFF Viseu de Sus

Photo by: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2008:08:07 06:35:06


PicID: 5362
Tags: Fabrica trei Felsővisó CFF Viseu de Sus CFF 308 CFF misc Románia kisvasút nemmozdony Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

Global warming is not responsible for these floods, rather lumberjacks are. You might have noticed on previous photos that the peaks of the mountains are not covered by woods but by empty fields, so only a few bushes keep melting snow back from flowing down too fast to the bottoms of the valleys.

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Photo by Takács Bence

Copyright 2005-2014. www.benbe.hu. Railway photography gallery of Takács Bence.

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