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The M62 108 between Püspökhatvan and Galgagyörk

(Nógrádvármegyei HÉV)

The M62 108 between Püspökhatvan and Galgagyörk photo

Author: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2008:11:02 08:02:40


High quality picture

PicID: 5300
Tags: Püspökhatvan Galgagyörk 78 M62 M62 108 borult dízelmozdony vicinális nyílt vonal osz gépmenet táj magaslatról hegyek útátjáró felhos köd Szergej

The track is strongest till Nógrádkövesd, Sergeis may go till that station. Above that they can only run with special permissions, but it’s not unheared of: an M61 Nohab in use by the track mainteance company went to the Balassagyarmat depot to take to unused Bzmot railcars to their base to have one of them converted to a track inspection and measurement railcar to replace the tiny Amsler unit destroyed in a crash with a V43-pulled freight train at Ceglédbercel-Cserő.

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Photo by Takács Bence

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