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The 810 453-1 is arriving from Kosice at Riecka stop

Photo by: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2008:06:20 14:03:02


PicID: 5486
Tags: Sajórecske Riecka Kövecses Štrkovec 253 810 810 453 napos bárányfelhok Szlovákia polárszuro nyílt vonal barna és zöld fa útátjáró ŽSSK Bézé motorkocsi ZSSK régi festésű mozdony

A short, but the more boring gallery will come from the least interesting mainline of Slovakia, the Zvolen-Jesenské-Roznava-Kosice railway. Just kidding: though this is not line 170 with the viaducts and tunnels, it s still a nice and lovely railway with plenty of diesel locomotives, and the album will be of more than just sightseeing photos from Kosice. With one word: it s going to be a more interesting reading than a long journey from Kosice to Riecka in an Aquarium railcar.

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Photo by Takács Bence

Copyright 2005-2014. Railway photography gallery of Takács Bence.

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