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Home Albums Locomotives

Czech winter

Passenger and freight trains with diesel and electric locomotives in a surprise snowfall in April.

The ČD 814 133-5  photo

The ČD 814 133-5 Regionova seen between Újezdec u Luhačovic and Polichno


Tags: Polichno Újezdec u Luhačovic 454 Regionova motorkocsi Bézé Csehország ČD RegioNova

The ČD 754 075-0 seen  photo

The ČD 754 075-0 seen between Újezdec u Luhačovic and Polichno


Tags: Polichno Újezdec u Luhačovic 454 Goggles Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

The ČD Brejlovec 754 0 picture

The ČD Brejlovec 754 075-0 seen between Újezdec u Luhačovic and Polichno


Tags: Polichno Újezdec u Luhačovic 454 Búvár Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

Strange Spring in Moravia - it may not sound appropriate to publish a spring travelogue in the middle of winter, but you will see, that these photos taken in April two years ago will have a very strong winter atmosphere! We departed from Budapest very early, just a little after midnight, to arrive here through small roads along the Váh river for sunrise. We are near Uhersky Brod, in the White Carpathian Mountains, at the South-East part of the Czech Republic. Though there are no big cities nearby some trains running here are locomotive hauled and look pretty nice, that's why we started the trip here. If you follow my website you may be familiar with a travelogue about 2017s Holiday Train with the Slovakian Albatros steam locomotive - that traveled very close to this place but traversed the White Carpathians back towards Nové Mesto nad Váhom in Slovakia.

The ČD 810  628-8 seen photo

The ČD 810 628-8 seen between Šumice and Újezdec u Luhačovic


Tags: Šumice Újezdec u Luhačovic 451 809-810 Csehország Bézé motorkocsi mellékvonal

The ČD 810  628-8 seen photo

The ČD 810 628-8 seen between Újezdec u Luhačovic and Šumice


Tags: Šumice Újezdec u Luhačovic 451 809-810 Csehország Bézé motorkocsi mellékvonal

The ČD Brejlovec 754 0 picture

The ČD Brejlovec 754 075-0 seen between Biskupice u Luhačovic and Polichno


Tags: Biskupice u Luhačovic Polichno 454 Búvár Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

The historical main line ran from Brno to Vlarsky Prusmik, but there now only the RegioNova trains and some occasional bigger railcars go. The locomotive-hauled trains diverge at Újezdec u Luhačovic towards Luhačovice, on a short, dead-end branch line, and the Brejlovec locos are needed because these trains, a few every day, switch to an electric locomotive at Staré Mesto to get as far as Olomouc or Praha. The RegioNova and class 810 railcars on the former main line travel as far as Bylnice where trains from the Horní Lideč to Vlarsky Prusmik line offer connection. Horní Lideč is at the main Prague to Košice railway line so no surprise not many people try to get to Slovakia through Vlarsky Prusmik - most trains run only to Bylnice on that line as well. The Slovakian ŽSSK offers a pitiful service with only two trains a day over the border.

The station building at Uhe photo

The station building at Uhersky Brod railway station


Tags: Uhersky Brod 451 454 Misc Csehország nemmozdony

The historical main line ran from Brno to Vlarsky Prusmik, but there now only the RegioNova trains and some occasional bigger railcars go. The locomotive-hauled trains diverge at Újezdec u Luhačovic towards Luhačovice, on a short, dead-end branch line, and the Brejlovec locos are needed because these trains, a few every day, switch to an electric locomotive at Staré Mesto to get as far as Olomouc or Praha. The RegioNova and class 810 railcars on the former main line travel as far as Bylnice where trains from the Horní Lideč to Vlarsky Prusmik line offer connection. Horní Lideč is at the main Prague to Košice railway line so no surprise not many people try to get to Slovakia through Vlarsky Prusmik - most trains run only to Bylnice on that line as well. The Slovakian ŽSSK offers a pitiful service with only two trains a day over the border.

The view from the overpass  photo

The view from the overpass at Uhersky Brod railway station


Tags: Uhersky Brod 451 454 Misc Csehország nemmozdony

The ČD 842 002-8 seen  photo

The ČD 842 002-8 seen at Uhersky Brod


Tags: Uhersky Brod 451 454 CD 842 Csehország Kvatro/Rakev motorvonat homlokátjáró

The ČD 842 002-8 seen  picture

The ČD 842 002-8 seen at Uhersky Brod


Tags: Uhersky Brod 451 454 CD 842 Csehország Kvatro/Rakev motorvonat homlokátjáró

As opposed to Hungary, and before the introduction of the class 861 , Slovakia, the Czech Republic offers bigger railcars with four axles on lines requiring a higher capacity or speed than the ones the class 810 and derivatives could offer. OK, in Hungary we have the 415 Putin and the 425 Desiro classes, but they are used without any kind of system, one year here, the next year there.

The ČD 842 001-0 seen  photo

The ČD 842 001-0 seen between Havřice and Hradčovice


Tags: Havřice Hradčovice 451 454 CD 842 Csehország Kvatro/Rakev motorvonat homlokátjáró

I have never before taken a picture of a class 842 and immediately I managed to capture the prototype number 001 in this low light, panned photograph.

The ČD 750 711-4 seen  picture

The ČD 750 711-4 seen between Hradčovice and Havřice


Tags: Havřice Hradčovice 451 454 Búvár Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

Many people prefer summer for railway photography but this site would not work in the summer (probably wouldn't work this winter anymore). On this line the tracks mostly run adjacent to the road so there are few places where you can fit a train nicely in. Unfortunately, according to vagonweb.cz , these trains now run with high comfort InterCity coaches.

The ŽSSK 361 103-5 see picture

The ŽSSK 361 103-5 seen between Lysa pod Makytou and Strelenka


Tags: Lysa pod Makytou Strelenka 456 363 (ZSSK) 361 103 borult ZSSK Blonski festésű mozdony ZSSK Blonski kocsik nyílt vonal táj falu legjobb határon túl ragadt vasútvonal

Even though the Puchov - Horní Lideč is the shortest connection from Košice to Prague currently no trains come this way on that connection. However there are many Žilina-Praha trains every day with Slovakian 361s or Czech 380s on this direct route to Olomouc. The trains from Košice travel with a detour through Čadca and Ostrava.

The ČD 914 077-3 seen  photo

The ČD 914 077-3 seen between Strelenka and Lysa pod Makytou


Tags: Lysa pod Makytou Strelenka 456 Regionova motorkocsi Bézé Csehország ČD RegioNova

The ČD 162 035-0 seen  picture

The ČD 162 035-0 seen between Strelenka and Lysa pod Makytou


Tags: Lysa pod Makytou Strelenka 456 163 (Česke Dráhy) Csehország

The classical green-cream painted Pershing shows that two years ago it was still possible to traverse Puchov station with DC electric locomotives.

An unidentified ČD 362 picture

An unidentified ČD 362 seen between Lidečko and Lužná u Vsetína on the viaduct


Tags: viaduktu v Lužné u Vsetína Lidečko Lužná u Vsetína 456 ČD Ász Csehország

We went back to the Czech Republic and followed the mainline into the heart of the country. This little viaduct is really difficult to photograph.

The ČD 814 092-3 seen  photo

The ČD 814 092-3 seen between Lidečko and Lužná u Vsetína


Tags: viaduktu v Lužné u Vsetína Lidečko Lužná u Vsetína 456 Regionova motorkocsi Bézé Csehország ČD RegioNova

The ČD 363 507-5 seen  picture

The ČD 363 507-5 seen between Lidečko and Lužná u Vsetína


Tags: viaduktu v Lužné u Vsetína Lidečko Lužná u Vsetína 456 ČD Ász Csehország

The ČD 150 226-9 seen  photo

The ČD 150 226-9 seen between Lužná u Vsetína and Lidečko


Tags: viaduktu v Lužné u Vsetína Lidečko Lužná u Vsetína 456 Banana Csehország

The ČD 460 026-8 seen  photo

The ČD 460 026-8 seen between Jablunka and Vsetín


Tags: Vsetín Jablunka 456 Pantograph Csehország Pantográf

The ČD 460 025-0 seen  picture

The ČD 460 025-0 seen between Vsetín and Jablunka


Tags: Vsetín Jablunka 456 Pantográf Csehország Pantográf

The ČD 842 010-1 seen  picture

The ČD 842 010-1 seen between Frenstát pod Radhoštěm and Kunčice pod Ondřejníkem


Tags: Kunčice pod Ondřejníkem Frenstát pod Radhoštěm 457 CD 842 Csehország Kvatro/Rakev motorvonat homlokátjáró

The ČD 754 086-7 seen  picture

The ČD 754 086-7 seen between Kunčice pod Ondřejníkem and Frenstát pod Radhoštěm


Tags: Kunčice pod Ondřejníkem Frenstát pod Radhoštěm 457 Búvár Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

The ČD 842 011-9 seen  photo

The ČD 842 011-9 seen between Frenstát pod Radhoštěm and Kunčice pod Ondřejníkem


Tags: Kunčice pod Ondřejníkem Frenstát pod Radhoštěm 457 CD 842 Csehország Kvatro/Rakev motorvonat homlokátjáró

The ČD 842 011-9 seen  picture

The ČD 842 011-9 seen between Frenstát pod Radhoštěm and Kunčice pod Ondřejníkem


Tags: Kunčice pod Ondřejníkem Frenstát pod Radhoštěm 457 CD 842 Csehország Kvatro/Rakev motorvonat homlokátjáró

What a landscape for a train to run into! I understand the dramatic rocks of Switzerland can be more appealing, but I utterly enjoyed this trip among these mountains.

The ČD 754 086-7 seen  picture

The ČD 754 086-7 seen between Frenstát pod Radhoštěm and Kunčice pod Ondřejníkem


Tags: Kunčice pod Ondřejníkem Frenstát pod Radhoštěm 457 Búvár Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

The ČD 754 021-4 seen  photo

The ČD 754 021-4 seen between Kunčice pod Ondřejníkem and Frenstát pod Radhoštěm


Tags: Kunčice pod Ondřejníkem Frenstát pod Radhoštěm 457 Goggles Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

The ČD 810  371-5 seen picture

The ČD 810 371-5 seen between Skotnice and Příbor


Tags: Příbor Skotnice 458 809-810 Csehország Bézé motorkocsi mellékvonal S-Bahn

The ČD 810 394-7 seen  photo

The ČD 810 394-7 seen at Příbor


Tags: Příbor 458 809-810 Csehország Bézé motorkocsi mellékvonal S-Bahn

Příbor photo



Tags: Misc

For the first night I chose a place at the medieval main square of Príbor which happened to be the cheapest in the area. Great place.

The ČD 810 678-3 seen  picture

The ČD 810 678-3 seen between Příbor and Skotnice


Tags: Příbor Skotnice 458 809-810 Csehország Bézé motorkocsi mellékvonal S-Bahn

ČD is providing very different service to those people living next to the Studénka - Verovice line, where very old class 80 railcars are the best pick and the travellers of the Ostrava Airport, who have a branch line turning away from this route and having electric RegioPanther trainsets even though there are very few planes each day and almost no passegers taking the train. No problem there, it is a development - I just want to show that the few good things railfans in Hungary tend to point out about the Czech railway system come with problems too.

The ČD 380 011-7 seen  picture

The ČD 380 011-7 seen between Lipnik nad Desnou and Drahotuse at Jezernickí Viadukt


Tags: Jezernicky viadukt Drahotuse Lipnik nad Becvou 453 ČD 380 Csehország

The second longest railway viaduct in the Czech Republic (the first being the Negrelli-viaduct in Prague) welcomed us with a very cloudy morning, but we hoped it will get better as the day progresses.

The ČD 460 076-3 seen  photo

The ČD 460 076-3 seen between Lipnik nad Desnou and Drahotuse


Tags: Jezernicky viadukt Drahotuse Lipnik nad Becvou 453 Pantograph Csehország

The ČD 362 188-5 seen  photo

The ČD 362 188-5 seen between Lipnik nad Desnou and Drahotuse


Tags: Jezernicky viadukt Drahotuse Lipnik nad Becvou 453 ČD Eso Csehország

An unidentified ČD 150 photo

An unidentified ČD 150 Banán seen between Lipnik nad Desnou and Drahotuse


Tags: Jezernicky viadukt Drahotuse Lipnik nad Becvou 453 Banana Csehország

An unidentified RegioJet 16 photo

An unidentified RegioJet 163 seen between Lipnik nad Desnou and Drahotuse


Tags: Jezernicky viadukt Drahotuse Lipnik nad Becvou 453 RegioJet Csehország villanymozdony RegioJet magánvasút Pershingfélék Pershingszabásúak viadukt híd alulról

The ČD 810 371-5 seen  picture

The ČD 810 371-5 seen between Svatoňovice and Čermná v Sležsku


Tags: Svatoňovice čermná v Sležsku 459 809-810 Csehország Bézé motorkocsi mellékvonal S-Bahn

We have moved North, to another secondary line which has nothing else to offer than original condition class 810 railcars, but at least in a nice scenery. In case you could not follow, here is a map of our trip:

Kelet-Cseh kör útvonaltérkép
A kelet-cseh kör útvonala

The classic class 810s are still used a lot around the Czech Republic, and even though they are at a lot lowe technologial level than the Hungarian counterpart most Hungarian railfans tend to believe the Czech Railways are far superior to the Hungarians.

The ČD Svatonovice-Cer photo

The ČD Svatonovice-Cermná v Slezsku seen between Svatoňovice and Čermná v Sležsku


Tags: Svatoňovice čermná v Sležsku 459 809-810 Csehország Bézé motorkocsi mellékvonal S-Bahn

The ČD 810 524-9 seen  picture

The ČD 810 524-9 seen between Čermná v Sležsku and Svatoňovice


Tags: Svatoňovice čermná v Sležsku 459 809-810 Csehország Bézé motorkocsi mellékvonal S-Bahn

The ČD 809 596-0 seen  photo

The ČD 809 596-0 seen between Valšov and Bruntál


Tags: Bruntál Valšov 462 809-810 Csehország Bézé motorkocsi mellékvonal S-Bahn

The ČD 809 398-1 seen  picture

The ČD 809 398-1 seen between Bruntál and Valšov


Tags: Bruntál Valšov 462 809-810 Csehország Bézé motorkocsi mellékvonal S-Bahn

The ČD 810 026-5 seen  picture

The ČD 810 026-5 seen between Lipová Lázne jeskyne and Lipová Lázne


Tags: Lipová Lázne jeskyne Lipová Lázne 464 809-810 Csehország Bézé motorkocsi mellékvonal

The ČD Brejlovec 750 7 picture

The ČD Brejlovec 750 718-9 seen between Lipová Lázne zastávka and Lipová Lázne


Tags: Lipová Lázne zastávka Lipová Lázne 463 Búvár Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

Our treat on this trip was definitely the Šumperk - Krnov line through mountainous and heavily industrialized Silesia. The line has a short section through poland around Glucholazy where the train has to change directions (getting off was forbidden until 2006). This train in the picture has just departed from Jeseník a few kilometres away and heads to Zábreh na Morave on the Ostrava - Olomouc - Praha main line, from where an electric locomotive will take the train to Brno. The regional center Šumperk is evaded as the line connects to the Šumperk line a little South from the city with a triangle, but these fast trains connect to slow railcars at Hanušovice that go to Šumperk instead through the other edge of the triangle. Šumperk is home to Pars Nova, where the RegioNova refurbished railcars were made and the TDK semiconductor factory, while Hanušovice has a bearings factory and also houses the Pivovar Holba brewery.

Holba beer / Holba pivo
Holba beer

The ČD 750 715-5 seen  picture

The ČD 750 715-5 seen between Lipová Lázne and Lipová Lázne zastávka


Tags: Lipová Lázne zastávka Lipová Lázne 463 Búvár Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

Soon the other train will reach Jeseník, its terminus, from where a class 843 railcar will travel on to Krnov. Railcars are better suited for the change of direction needed at Glucholazy. From Krnov you can reach Olomouc or Ostrava after a change, no wonder they kept up the péage traffic all along the years of socialism, but obviously with heavy military control. The neighbouring states were friends and allies after all.

The ČD 750 715-5 seen  photo

The ČD 750 715-5 seen between Ostružná and Branná


Tags: Ostružná Branná 463 Goggles Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

The ČD 750 715-5 seen  picture

The ČD 750 715-5 seen between Ostružná and Branná


Tags: Ostružná Branná 463 Búvár Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

There is a two-hour gap periodic timetable so as we drove South three stations' distance this photo was taken about two hours later than the previous one it show how much snow this sudden, April's Fool blizzard could create.

The ČD Cargo 753 764-0 photo

The ČD Cargo 753 764-0 seen between Ramzová and Ostružná


Tags: Ramzová Ostružná 463 Goggles Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

The ČD Cargo 753  764- picture

The ČD Cargo 753 764-0 seen between Branná and Nové Losiny


Tags: Branná Nové Losiny 463 Búvár Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

The ČD 749 265-5 seen  photo

The ČD 749 265-5 seen between Branná and Nové Losiny


Tags: Ostružná Branná 463 CD 749 Csehország Bardotka dízelmozdony

The ČD 749 265-5 seen  picture

The ČD 749 265-5 seen between Branná and Nové Losiny


Tags: Ostružná Branná 463 CD 749 Csehország Bardotka dízelmozdony

I didn't have luck with the freight but then we did have luck with the next passenger train being hauled by a Bardotka instead of a Brejlovec! Probably because the original locomotive broke down... Class 749 is not used regularly for any diagram now in the Czech Republic except the retro trains around Prague.

The ČD 810 508-2 seen  picture

The ČD 810 508-2 seen between Nové Losiny and Branná


Tags: Branná Nové Losiny 463 809-810 Csehország Bézé motorkocsi

I really like these tiny railcars that run in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, even though probably I like those remote lines they run on more than the vehicle itself. Nevertheless I was happy I could take a photo like this especially considering my previous luck with Czech specimens of the kind:

The ČD 810  508-2 seen photo

The ČD 810 508-2 seen between Nové Losiny and Branná


Tags: Branná Nové Losiny 463 809-810 Csehország Bézé motorkocsi

The ČD 750 715-5 seen  picture

The ČD 750 715-5 seen between Branná and Nové Losiny


Tags: Branná Nové Losiny 463 Búvár Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

A few hours before I failed to take a decent photo of a beautiful freight train at almost the same location so we decided to reproduce the atmosphere of the snowy forest with a more traditional subject, a Brejlovec with a simple passenger train. It passed by the Bardotka at Lipová Lázne so we had to wait another two hours for its return but we decided it would be worth it, especially since in the meantime we expected another freight train as well. The only thing we had to give up of our plan was some photographing of RegioNovas in the Desná valley which was not a big deal since we suspected that in the valley that was located a lot lower than this, parallel valley, there was less snow to be found. As our accomodation was at a small, family-ran penzión at Petrov nad Desnou later in the evening we could confirm that the landscape didn't look as splendid as up here.

The ČD Cargo 753 766-5 picture

The ČD Cargo 753 766-5 seen between Nové Losiny and Branná


Tags: Branná Nové Losiny 463 Búvár Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

The ČD Cargo 753 766-5 picture

The ČD Cargo 753 766-5 seen hauling a freight train between Nové Losiny and Branná


Tags: Ostružná Branná 463 Búvár Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

We took our second photo of this empty goods train at almost the same place we photographed the Bardotka, but this time a little to the South from that straight section, where instead of the hilly landscape the snow-covered trees could give the background to the marvellous train. I really enjoy taking photos of snow-covered trees, they always raise the Christmas spirit in me, even if it is not Christmas and I have a considerable collection of such photos that luckily I could extend by a lot in the recent years.

The ČD Cargo 753 766-5 photo

The ČD Cargo 753 766-5 seen hauling a freight train between Nové Losiny and Branná


Tags: Ostružná Branná 463 Goggles Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

The ČD 810 071-1 seen  photo

The ČD 810 071-1 seen between Ostružná and Branná


Tags: Ostružná Branná 463 809-810 Csehország Bézé motorkocsi

The ČD 810 071-1 seen  picture

The ČD 810 071-1 seen between Ostružná and Branná


Tags: Ostružná Branná 463 809-810 Csehország Bézé motorkocsi

The ČD 810  071-1 seen photo

The ČD 810 071-1 seen between Ostružná and Branná


Tags: Ostružná Branná 463 809-810 Csehország Bézé motorkocsi

The ČD 750 718-9 seen  picture

The ČD 750 718-9 seen between Branná and Ostružná


Tags: Ostružná Branná 463 Búvár Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

The ŽSSK and the ŽSSK Cargo both did their respective refurbishment programme of the class 750 ending up with class 757 and class 756 . These Czech Brejlovec locomotives are of the original design despite the increased cooling area, the same kind the Slovakians only have in retro trains left.

The ČD 810 262-6 seen  picture

The ČD 810 262-6 seen between Branná and Ostružná


Tags: Ostružná Branná 463 809-810 Csehország Bézé motorkocsi

The ČD 749 265-5 seen  photo

The ČD 749 265-5 seen between Ostružná and Branná


Tags: Ostružná Branná 463 CD 749 Csehország Bardotka dízelmozdony

The ČD 749 265-5 seen  picture

The ČD 749 265-5 seen between Ostružná and Branná


Tags: Ostružná Branná 463 CD 749 Csehország Bardotka dízelmozdony

The ČD 151 019-7 seen  photo

The ČD 151 019-7 seen between Hoštejn and Tatenice


Tags: Zábreh na Morave Rudoltice v Cechách 453 Banana Csehország

The RegioJet 162 115-0 seen photo

The RegioJet 162 115-0 seen between Hoštejn and Tatenice


Tags: Zábreh na Morave Rudoltice v Cechách 453 RegioJet Csehország villanymozdony RegioJet magánvasút Pershingfélék Pershingszabásúak havas táj magaslatról tél hegyek

An unidentified ČD 150 picture

An unidentified ČD 150 seen between Hoštejn and Tatenice


Tags: Zábreh na Morave Rudoltice v Cechách 453 150 (České Dráhy) Csehország

The Leo Express 480 001-7 l picture

The Leo Express 480 001-7 long-distance FLIRT-160 seen between Hoštejn and Tatenice


Tags: Zábreh na Morave Rudoltice v Cechách 453 LEO Express Csehország Flirt

The ŽSSK 361 101-9 see photo

The ŽSSK 361 101-9 seen between Česka Třebová and Dlouhá Třebová


Tags: železniční viadukt mezi Dlouhou Třebovou Dlouhá Třebová česka Třebová 370 ZSSK 363

The ČD 162 040-7 seen  picture

The ČD 162 040-7 seen between Dlouhá Třebová and Česka Třebová


Tags: železniční viadukt mezi Dlouhou Třebovou Dlouhá Třebová česka Třebová 370 163 (Česke Dráhy) Csehország

The ČD 150 203-8 seen  photo

The ČD 150 203-8 seen between Česka Třebová and Dlouhá Třebová


Tags: železniční viadukt mezi Dlouhou Třebovou Dlouhá Třebová česka Třebová 370 Banana Csehország

The ČD 681 003-0 Pendo picture

The ČD 681 003-0 Pendolino seen between Dlouhá Třebová and Česka Třebová


Tags: železniční viadukt mezi Dlouhou Třebovou Dlouhá Třebová česka Třebová 370 Pendolino Csehország Pendolino

The ČD 380 010-9 seen  photo

The ČD 380 010-9 seen between Dlouhá Třebová and Česka Třebová


Tags: železniční viadukt mezi Dlouhou Třebovou Dlouhá Třebová česka Třebová 370 ČD 380 Csehország

The RegioJet 162 112-7 seen photo

The RegioJet 162 112-7 seen between Dlouhá Třebová and Česka Třebová


Tags: železniční viadukt mezi Dlouhou Třebovou Dlouhá Třebová česka Třebová 370 RegioJet Csehország villanymozdony RegioJet magánvasút Pershingfélék Pershingszabásúak viadukt tél

The ČD Cargo 363 036-5 photo

The ČD Cargo 363 036-5 seen between Opatov and Semanín


Tags: Semanín Opatov 370 ČD Eso Csehország

The ČD /ÖBB 1216 234  picture

The ČD /ÖBB 1216 234 railjet seen between Semanín and Opatov


Tags: Semanín Opatov 370 Misc Csehország railjet nemmozdony ČD railjet

This is the main line to Brno South from Česká Třebová.

The ČD 380 019-0 seen  photo

The ČD 380 019-0 seen hauling Hungária EuroCity between Opatov and Semanín


Tags: Semanín Opatov 370 ČD 380 Csehország

The ČD 810 325-1 seen  picture

The ČD 810 325-1 seen between Svitavy Lány and Hradec nad Svitavou


Tags: Svitavy Lány Hradec nad Svitavou 370 809-810 Csehország Bézé motorkocsi

The break-of-voltage in the former Czechoslovakia had always been an interesting topic. The first such place was Kutná Hora, where the ČSD solved he issue in a rather traditional way by having some of the station's tracks switchable between the 25 kV 50 Hz AC (Hungarian Kandó system) and the older 3 kV DC. There, between Havličkuv Brod and Kolín the slow trains are scheduled to run with a class 363 locomotives and two really interesting cars . Here, just South of Svitavy, there us another break-of-voltage and I expected another similar consist with a dual voltage electric locomotive. Instead, a solo class 810 railcar came, and ever since I have to accept that it was my fault we have waited here for 30 minutes for a dual voltage class 810 .

An unidentified ČD 362 photo

An unidentified ČD 362 seen between Brezová nad Svitavou and Brezová nad Svitavou-Dlouhá


Tags: Hradec nad Svitavou Skalice nad Svitavou 370 ČD Eso Csehország

The ZSSK 350  005-5 seen be picture

The ZSSK 350 005-5 seen between Brezová nad Svitavou-Dlouhá and Brezová nad Svitavou


Tags: 350 (ZSSK) 350 005 villanymozdony ŽSSK napos magaslatról ZSSK régi festésű mozdony CD Najbrt festésű kocsi CD régi festésű kocsi ÖBB-IC tél barna és zöld nyílt vonal Gorilla

The ŠZDC track mainten photo

The ŠZDC track maintenance service ballast regulator seen between Dolní Lhota and Blansko mesto


Tags: Dolní Lhota Blansko mesto 370 Misc Csehország nemmozdony

The ČD 362 175-2 seen  photo

The ČD 362 175-2 seen between Dolní Lhota and Blansko mesto


Tags: Dolní Lhota Blansko mesto 370 ČD Eso Csehország

The ČD 560 002-8 seen  picture

The ČD 560 002-8 seen between Dolní Lhota and Blansko mesto


Tags: Dolní Lhota Blansko mesto 370 560 Csehország Pantográf

An unidentified ČD rai photo

An unidentified ČD railjet seen between Dolní Lhota and Blansko mesto


Tags: Dolní Lhota Blansko mesto 370 Misc Csehország nemmozdony

An unidentified ČD 380 photo

An unidentified ČD 380 002-6 seen between Brno Maloměřice and Bilovice nad Svitavou


Tags: Svitava Bilovice nad Svitavou Brno Maloměřice 370 ČD 380 Csehország

An unidentified ČD 560 photo

An unidentified ČD 560 007-7 seen between Bilovice nad Svitavou and Brno Maloměřice


Tags: Svitava Bilovice nad Svitavou Brno Maloměřice 370 560 Csehország Pantográf

An unidentified ČD 380 picture

An unidentified ČD 380 013-3 seen between Bilovice nad Svitavou and Brno Maloměřice


Tags: Svitava Bilovice nad Svitavou Brno Maloměřice 370 ČD 380 Csehország

An unidentified ČD 814 photo

An unidentified ČD 814 237-4 seen between Brno Maloměřice and Bilovice nad Svitavou


Tags: Svitava Bilovice nad Svitavou Brno Maloměřice 370 Regionova motorkocsi Bézé Csehország ČD RegioNova

An unidentified ČD 560 photo

An unidentified ČD 560 027-5 seen between Bilovice nad Svitavou and Brno Maloměřice


Tags: Svitava Bilovice nad Svitavou Brno Maloměřice 370 560 Csehország Pantográf

The ČD Cargo 363 049-8 photo

The ČD Cargo 363 049-8 seen banking a freight train between Čebín and Hradčany on the Brno - Havličkuv Brod - Kolín - Prague railway


Tags: ČD Eso Csehország

An unidentified ČD 242 picture

An unidentified ČD 242 seen between Tišnov and Dolní Loučky on the viaduct


Tags: Plecháč Csehország

An unidentified ČD 363 photo

An unidentified ČD 363 seen between Tišnov and Dolní Loučky


Tags: ČD Eso Csehország

The ČD Cargo 230 088-7 picture

The ČD Cargo 230 088-7 seen hauling a freight train on the viaduct between Tišnov and Dolní Loučky


Tags: 230 Csehország

The ČD 242 233-5 seen  photo

The ČD 242 233-5 seen between Tišnov and Dolní Loučky


Tags: Plecháč Csehország

A freight train on the viad photo

A freight train on the viaduct near Dolní Loučky


Tags: 230 Csehország

The CZ Loko 742 703-2 seen  picture

The CZ Loko 742 703-2 seen between Tišnov and Dolní Loučky


Tags: ČD Kocur Csehország Kocur

An unidentified ČD 363 photo

An unidentified ČD 363 seen hauling a fast train between Tišnov and Dolní Loučky on the viaduct


Tags: ČD Eso Csehország

The ČD 854 201-1 seen  photo

The ČD 854 201-1 seen between Střelice Dolní and Troubsko


Tags: Troubsko Střelice dolní 208 Hydra motorvonat Csehország

The ČD 854 201-1 seen  photo

The ČD 854 201-1 seen between Střelice Dolní and Troubsko


Tags: Hydra motorvonat Csehország

The ČD 854 223-5 seen  picture

The ČD 854 223-5 seen between Tetčice and Omice


Tags: Hidra motorvonat Csehország

In the last part of our trip we visited the diesel lines South-West from Brno. First we photographed the trains on the Brno to Jihlava route where even the slow trains are Hydra large multiple units so here there should be loads of passengers.

The ČD 854 223-5 seen  photo

The ČD 854 223-5 seen between Tetčice and Omice


Tags: Hydra motorvonat Csehország

The ČD 750 713-0 seen  picture

The ČD 750 713-0 seen between Tetčice and Omice


Tags: Búvár Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

The fast trains to Jihlava are rostered to class 750 Brejlovec locomotives so this was both the landscape and the vehicles are really railfan-friendly.

The ČD 854 203-7 seen  photo

The ČD 854 203-7 seen between Kralice nad Oslou and Rapotice


Tags: Hydra motorvonat Csehország homlokátjáró

The ČD 80-29 203-4 see photo

The ČD 80-29 203-4 seen between Rapotice and Kralice nad Oslou


Tags: Hydra motorvonat Csehország vezérlökocsi

The ČD 750 704-9 seen  picture

The ČD 750 704-9 seen between Kralice nad Oslou and Rapotice


Tags: Búvár Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

The ČD 80-29 203-4 see photo

The ČD 80-29 203-4 seen between Rapotice and Kralice nad Oslou


Tags: Hydra motorvonat Csehország vezérlökocsi

The ČD 80-29 216-6 see picture

The ČD 80-29 216-6 seen between Kralice nad Oslou and Rapotice


Tags: Hidra motorvonat Csehország vezérlökocsi

The ČD 854 012-2 seen  picture

The ČD 854 012-2 seen between Tetčice and Omice


Tags: Hidra motorvonat Csehország

The ČD 750 712-2 seen  picture

The ČD 750 712-2 seen between Tetčice and Omice


Tags: Búvár Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

The ČD 80-29 308-1 see photo

The ČD 80-29 308-1 seen between Troubsko and Střelice dolní


Tags: Troubsko Střelice dolní 208 Hydra motorvonat Csehország vezérlökocsi

The ČD 842 009-3 seen  photo

The ČD 842 009-3 seen between Střelice dolní and Troubsko


Tags: Troubsko Střelice dolní 208 CD 842 Csehország Kvatro/Rakev motorvonat homlokátjáró

The ČD 842 028-3 seen  photo

The ČD 842 028-3 seen between Střelice dolní and Troubsko


Tags: Troubsko Střelice dolní 208 CD 842 Csehország Kvatro/Rakev motorvonat homlokátjáró

The ČD 854 203-7 seen  photo

The ČD 854 203-7 seen between Střelice dolní and Troubsko


Tags: Troubsko Střelice dolní 208 CD 842 Csehország Kvatro/Rakev motorvonat homlokátjáró

The ČD 80-29 303-2 see photo

The ČD 80-29 303-2 seen between Troubsko and Střelice dolní


Tags: Hydra motorvonat Csehország vezérlökocsi

The ČD 842 015-0 seen  photo

The ČD 842 015-0 seen between Troubsko and Střelice dolní


Tags: Troubsko Střelice dolní 208 CD 842 Csehország Kvatro/Rakev motorvonat homlokátjáró

The ČD 750 712-2 seen  picture

The ČD 750 712-2 seen between Troubsko and Střelice dolní


Tags: Troubsko Střelice dolní 208 Búvár Csehország dízelmozdony Búvár

The LokoTrans 703 624-7 see photo

The LokoTrans 703 624-7 seen at Střelice


Tags: Střelice 208 Misc Csehország nemmozdony

The LokoTrans 703 622-1 see photo

The LokoTrans 703 622-1 seen at Střelice


Tags: Střelice 208 Misc Csehország nemmozdony

The ČD 854 223-5  picture

The ČD 854 223-5 Milenka seen at Střelice


Tags: Střelice 208 Hidra motorvonat Csehország

The ČD 854 012-2  photo

The ČD 854 012-2 Zuzka seen at Střelice railway station


Tags: Hydra motorvonat Csehország

An unidentified ČD 80- picture

An unidentified ČD 80-29 seen between Siluvky and Moravske Bránice


Tags: Siluvky Moravské Bránice 208 CD 842 Csehország Kvatro/Rakev motorvonat mellékvonal vezérlökocsi homlokátjáró

An unidentified ČD 842 photo

An unidentified ČD 842 seen between Moravské Bránice and Moravsky Krumlov


Tags: Viadukt u Ivančic Moravské Bránice Moravsky Krumlov 208 CD 842 Csehország Kvatro/Rakev motorvonat mellékvonal homlokátjáró

An unidentified ČD 842 picture

An unidentified ČD 842 seen between Moravsky Krumlov and Moravské Bránice


Tags: Viadukt u Ivančic Moravské Bránice Moravsky Krumlov 208 CD 842 Csehország Kvatro/Rakev motorvonat mellékvonal homlokátjáró

The ČD 842 017-6 seen  photo

The ČD 842 017-6 seen between Ivančice město and Ivančice letovisko


Tags: CD 842 Csehország Kvatro/Rakev motorvonat mellékvonal homlokátjáró

The ČD 80-29 308-1 see picture

The ČD 80-29 308-1 seen between Ivančice letovisko and Ivančice město


Tags: CD 842 Csehország Kvatro/Rakev motorvonat mellékvonal vezérlökocsi homlokátjáró

The ČD 842 019-2 seen  photo

The ČD 842 019-2 seen between Valtice and Sedlec u Mikulova


Tags: CD 842 Csehország Kvatro/Rakev motorvonat homlokátjáró

The ČD 842 019-2 seen  picture

The ČD 842 019-2 seen between Valtice and Sedlec u Mikulova


Tags: CD 842 Csehország Kvatro/Rakev motorvonat mellékvonal homlokátjáró

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