The RhB Ge 4/4II 614 with a morning regional train in the half-hour additional beat at Trin station
(RhB Surselvalinie)
Photo by: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2011:07:21 07:12:06
We arrive two minutes late. Normally trains only meet at Rabius-Surrhein and Castrisch, but in the morning there are additional trains running from Disentis/Mustér to Scuol-Tarasp. All trains stop on all stations, REX trains only run after the morning and in the direction of Disentis, as there are many destinations for commuters like Ems Werk or Chur Wiesenthal that this way can be reached without need to change to the S-Bahn.
In the afternoon additional REX trains run between Chur and Ilanz, usually with an Allegra or a Be 4/4, that doesn't stop at Trin and Versam-Safien but has an additional stop at Ems Werk.
Photo by Takács Bence
Copyright 2005-2014. Railway photography gallery of Takács Bence.