The RhB Ge 6/6II 707 is hauling a passenger train as it is its original duty - photo taken at Versam-Safien station
(RhB Surselvalinie)
Photo by: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2011:07:21 09:19:38
The six-axle locomotives were bought to replace Ge 4/4Is on the Chur-St. Moritz heavy passenger trains that usually had direct coaches to the Unterengadin and needed a helper locomotive between Filisur or Bergün/Bravuogn and Samedan. These days they can mostly be found on the head of heavy freight trains on the Albulabahn and the Surselvalinie and some other freight workings around Davos and the Unterengadin, though on weekends of the main season sometimes they appear in one or another diagram for Ge 4/4IIs or Ge 4/4IIIs.
Photo by Takács Bence
Copyright 2005-2014. Railway photography gallery of Takács Bence.