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The RhB Ge 4/4III 647 Bündner Kantonalbank at the Rhein Posterior's bridge at Reichenau-Tamins

(RhB Stammstrecke)

Photo by: Lászlófi Károly
Captured at: 2010:04:18 08:55:21


PicID: 10072
Tags: Hinterrheinbrücke Bonaduz Reichenau-Tamins 230 232 Ge 4/4 III Ge 4/4 III 647 napos nyílt vonal híd hegyek Werbelok különleges festés Svájc RhB Rhätische Bahn kisvasút villanymozdony Rheintal Ge4/4-Swisscanto Welterbe Albula-Bernina

It brought the RegioExpress from St. Moritz just two minutes after the one from Disentis/Mustér.

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Photo by Lászlófi Károly

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