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The little station of the Eger-Szilvásvárad-Putnok railway alone let us take photos the whole day thanks to the autumn colours.

The MÁV-Trakció M41 2166 an photo

The MÁV-Trakció M41 2166 and the MÁV-START 5341 016-3 seen at Eger station


Tags: Eger 87 M41 M41 2166 5341 016 dízelmozdony borult Bhv

The MÁV-START Bzmot 335 see photo

The MÁV-START Bzmot 335 seen at Eger railway station


Tags: Eger 87 Bzmot Bézé motorkocsi

The MÁV-START Bzmot 247 see picture

The MÁV-START Bzmot 247 seen between Tardosi kőbányák and Eger-Szarvaskő


Tags: Tardosi kőbányák Eger-Szarvaskő 87 Bzmot 200 Bézé vicinális alagútkapu motorkocsi sziklák

This is going to be a record short travelogue, but it shows off such a spectacular Hungarian landscape that enjoying every view of it will take some time and you cannot just flick through it in a few seconds. Eight years ago we visited Szrvaskő, a village that used to belong to nearby Eger, where then the double Bzmot railcars were running up and down the track all day, often extended with one or two unpowered trailers. You could take as many photos a day as you can nowadays in a week. Our planning would have allowed us to take all these shots even in a nice, sunny weather because of careful planning but with this much hue and contrast it wasn't even necessary.

The MÁV-START Bzmot 335 see photo

The MÁV-START Bzmot 335 seen between Tardosi kőbányák and Eger-Szarvaskő


Tags: Tardosi kőbányák Eger-Szarvaskő 87 Bzmot Bézé vicinális sziklák motorkocsi

The MÁV-START Bzmot 335 see photo

The MÁV-START Bzmot 335 seen at Eger-Szarvaskő railway station


Tags: Eger-Szarvaskő 87 Bzmot Bézé vicinális sziklák motorkocsi

The MÁV-START Bzmot 335 see picture

The MÁV-START Bzmot 335 seen at Eger-Szarvaskő railway station


Tags: Eger-Szarvaskő 87 Bzmot 300 Bézé vicinális sziklák motorkocsi

We got to Szarvaskő with the first train - until the first photo we had ample time to play some pool in the local bar before we climbed the Szarvaskő castle for the first shooting. The rest of the photos needed a lot more climbing in areas that tested our shoes and dexterity to the limits. Sometimes it even has been dangerous.

The MÁV-START Bzmot 335 see picture

The MÁV-START Bzmot 335 seen between Eger-Szarvaskő and Tardosi kőbányák


Tags: Tardosi kőbányák Eger-Szarvaskő 87 Bzmot 300 Bézé vicinális sziklák motorkocsi

The MÁV-START Bzmot 335 see photo

The MÁV-START Bzmot 335 seen between Eger-Szarvaskő and Tardosi kőbányák


Tags: Tardosi kőbányák Eger-Szarvaskő 87 Bzmot Bézé vicinális sziklák motorkocsi

The MÁV-START Bzmot 228 see picture

The MÁV-START Bzmot 228 seen between Tardosi kőbányák and Eger-Szarvaskő


Tags: Tardosi kőbányák Eger-Szarvaskő 87 Bzmot 200 Bézé vicinális motorkocsi sziklák

The photo has been taken between the open line and the Szarvaskő II. tunnel in an authentic mountainous secondary line scenery .

The MÁV-START Bzmot 335 see picture

The MÁV-START Bzmot 335 seen between Eger-Szarvaskő and Tardosi kőbányák


Tags: Tardosi kőbányák Eger-Szarvaskő 87 Bzmot 300 Bézé vicinális sziklák motorkocsi

The MÁV-START Bzmot 335 see picture

The MÁV-START Bzmot 335 seen between Eger-Szarvaskő and Tardosi kőbányák


Tags: Tardosi kőbányák Eger-Szarvaskő 87 Bzmot 300 Bézé vicinális sziklák motorkocsi

An unidentified MÁV-START B photo

An unidentified MÁV-START Bzmot seen between Almár and Eger-Szarvaskő


Tags: Eger-Szarvaskő Almár 87 Bzmot Bézé motorkocsi sziklák

The MÁV-START Bzmot 228 see picture

The MÁV-START Bzmot 228 seen at Eger-Szarvaskő


Tags: Eger-Szarvaskő 87 Bzmot 200 Bézé vicinális motorkocsi sziklák

When we celebrated the 100th jubilee of the line they promised to reconstruct the railway and improve the conditions of tourism. Only a horse driving trials stadium was built which absolutely stands out in the national park area and is totally useless.

At the same time we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Szilvásvárad Forestry Railway (a 76 cm narrow-gauge logging railway) as well.

The MÁV-START Bzmot 228 see picture

The MÁV-START Bzmot 228 seen at Eger-Szarvaskő


Tags: Eger-Szarvaskő 87 Bzmot 200 Bézé vicinális motorkocsi sziklák

The MÁV-START Bzmot 228 see photo

The MÁV-START Bzmot 228 seen at Eger-Szarvaskő


Tags: Eger-Szarvaskő 87 Bzmot Bézé vicinális alagútkapu motorkocsi sziklák

The MÁV-START Bzmot 228 see picture

The MÁV-START Bzmot 228 seen between Tardosi kőbányák and Eger-Szarvaskő


Tags: Tardosi kőbányák Eger-Szarvaskő 87 Bzmot 200 Bézé vicinális motorkocsi sziklák

Baked blood with onion is the menu in Szarvaskő village but the only thing bringing us down from the lookout is the coming of the evening. In the meantime I recommend my photos of the track all along to Putnok, most of which is out of use now:

We weren't kidding when we alled it one of the most beautiful railways of Hungary!

The MÁV-START Bzmot 228 see picture

The MÁV-START Bzmot 228 seen between Tardosi kőbányák and Eger-Szarvaskő


Tags: Tardosi kőbányák Eger-Szarvaskő 87 Bzmot 200 Bézé vicinális motorkocsi sziklák

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