The 363 134-8 at the freight terminal of Zsolna (Zilina)
Photo by: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2008:12:16 10:45:42
The new Blonski-colouring frenzy uniformed all locomotive classes, so the original bluw-cream livery of this AC/DC dual mode Pershing cannot inform us of its purpose anymore - you have to read the numbers. This slow train goes over to the AC track till Vágújhely (Nové Mesto nad Váhom). Zsolna (Zilina) is the limit between lines 120 and 180, while Nové Mesto marks the beginning of the commuter range around Pozsony (Bratislava), from where Pantograf multiple units and trains headed by class 262 AC Pershings rule the rails.
Photo by Takács Bence
Copyright 2005-2014. Railway photography gallery of Takács Bence.