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The ER2 305 passes a farmhouse a few kilometres up from Perechyn

Photo by: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2008:08:02 13:24:18


PicID: 4108
Tags: Drugetháza Зарічево Perecsény Перечин 325 ER2 ER2 305 napos házikó tej parasztház nyílt vonal alulról bárányfelhok Ukrajna hangulat motorvonat szélesnyomtáv Elektricska szovjet utódállamok határon túl ragadt vasútvonal

We had to find an OK photosite in a hurry as we were at least an hour journey from the Pass and the train was due in five minutes. Of course we had at least 15 minutes of talking, drinking milk and moving from one spot to another in a metre before the electrichka arrived.

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Photo by Takács Bence

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