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The ŽSSK 812 032-5 seen at Podbrezová

The ŽSSK 812 032-5 seen at Podbrezová photo

Author: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2017:10:14 12:32:34


High quality picture

PicID: 20887
Tags: Zólyombrézó Podbrezová 372 374 812 Szlovákia határon túl ragadt vasútvonal ZSSK régi festésű mozdony ZSSK Blonski kocsik motorkocsi ŽSSK Bézé állomás

Podbrezová is a small settlement, the reason for the huge station building is the steel mill operating here. That's why it was the starting point of the Zolyombrézó - Tiszolc - Rimaszombat HÉV, a local railway that built the rack-and-pinion railway accross Zbojská in the Vepor Mountains. The railway to Vereskő (Červená Skala) was a branch line to that railway, which was rebuilt and extended as a main line as far as Margecany, using an existing mine railway from Margecany to Gelnica and its narrow-gauge extension as far as Mnísek nad Hnilcom. The rest of the narrow-gauge railway to Smolník was dismantled. Photos can be found on this Slovakian webpage .

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Photo by Takács Bence

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