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The ŽSSK 757 001-3 seen between Síd and Fi'lakovo

The ŽSSK 757  001-3 seen between Síd and Fi'lakovo photo

Author: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2017:10:14 07:41:42


High quality picture

PicID: 20878
Tags: Fülek Fil’akovo Gömörsid Síd 253 757 757 001 dízelmozdony Búvár Szlovákia osz magaslatról táj ZSSK Blonski festésű mozdony ZSSK Blonski kocsik nyílt vonal hegyek

During the autumn of 2017 we set out for some coloured tree photos to Slovakia. The first photo of the trip was this one with a Košice to Zvolen fast train on the track connecting from the mainline to the Southern end of Fi'lakovo station. The original line connected from the North, allowing trains to pass from Budapest towards Jesenské and Plešivec, with a triangle for Zvolen to Plešivec or Miskolc trains to make a shortcut without reversing at the station. This branch of the triangle is still used, but the original line had been long removed to be replaced by a loop running around the station and connecting to its South so that trains from Zvolen to Košice can directly travel on without the need of reversing.

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Photo by Takács Bence

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