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February panorama

Locomotive classes: V43, Bzmot, V46, MX/A, 5341, V63

Photo locations: 20, Városlőd, 30, Veszprém, 11, Szentgál, Kelenföld, Szpotterdomb, 1, 40, Eplény, Tárnok, Budapest - Déli, Budapest villamosai, 405...

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The V43 3347 is leaving the Déli pályaudvar The V43 1335 at Városlőd Sprouting
The V43 322 near Városlőd The V43 322 near Városlőd The V43 322 near Városlőd
The V46 034 helping pull up the first Hungarian-built V43 its heavy freight train between Városlőd and Szentgál The Bzmot 362 climbing up towards Győr, already high on the plateau of the Bakony Veszprém as seen from the plateau above
The Bzmot 345 pitching towards Veszprém in the sunset The first viaduct in the Répás-valley The first viaduct in the Répás-valley
The MÁV FLIRT 5341 003-1 at Tárnok The V43 3187 with her entirely red train at Tárnok V43 1190 will take me to Colombo Café for my dinner
A Combino tram near my university The V63 027 at Devecser



All the pictures in this gallery

If you browse through the gallery pages, you're going to see the photos in order.

The V43 3187 is leaving the Déli pályaudvar

The V43 3347 is leaving the Déli pályaudvar

The V43 1014 after the tunnel at Bp. Déli

The MÁV Taurus 1047 007-8 near Kelenföld

The V43 1117 near Kelenföld

The 1047 008-6 at Kelenföld

The 1047 503-6 at Kelenföld

Two GySEV Bh cars at Kelenföld

The V43 1009 at Kelenföld

A freshely painted Fals-class hopper

Three ICS trams at the Móricz Zsigmond circus

The V43 1147 at Veszprém

The V43 1335 at Városlőd

The V43 1335 at Városlőd

A nice shot from below a red and a blue Halberstadter

A loo at Városlőd

Városlőd stop


Creek under the bald trees

The V43 322 near Városlőd

The V43 322 near Városlőd

The V43 322 near Városlőd

The V43 322 near Városlőd

The V43 322 near Városlőd

The V46 034 helping pull up the first Hungarian-built V43 its heavy freight train between Városlőd and Szentgál

The V46 034 helping pull up the first Hungarian-built V43 its heavy freight train between Városlőd and Szentgál

A freight train in the Bakony

A MÁV V43 near Városlőd

A MÁV V43 near Városlőd

The V46 034 at Városlőd stop

The V43 1350 at Városlőd

The V43 1335 at Városlőd

At Veszprém

The Bzmot 362 climbing up towards Győr, already high on the plateau of the Bakony

The Bzmot 362 climbing up towards Győr, already high on the plateau of the Bakony

The Bzmot 362 climbing up towards Győr, already high on the plateau of the Bakony

Veszprém as seen from the plateau above

Sunset with an aircraft in it

The Bzmot 345 passing the platoon range

The Bzmot 345 pitching towards Veszprém

The Bzmot 345 pitching towards Veszprém in the sunset

The first viaduct in the Répás-valley

The first viaduct in the Répás-valley


Catenary near Tárnok

The MÁV FLIRT 5341 003-1 at Tárnok

The MÁV V43 1314 at Tárnok station

The V43 3187 with her entirely red train at Tárnok

The V43 1336 at Tárnok with an IC-train

V43 1190 will take me to Colombo Café for my dinner

One-track traffic between Batthyány square and Császárfürdő due to maintenance works

One-track traffic between Batthyány square and Császárfürdő due to maintenance works

The suburban train at night at Kaszásdűlő

Bullet-proof security van of the Brinks company

A bus to Kisbér

A Combino tram near my university

A Combino tram near my university

Very micro bus

Three publis transport vehicles forming a single line

A Budapest-Győr bus

Where does this bus go? Not Boráros tér and not Lehel tér

The V43 1189 near Karakószörcsök


The V43 1359 at Karakószörcsök with the wine-hill of Somló in the background

The V43 1189 at Somlóvásárhely

The V43 1189 before Devecser

The V63 027 at Devecser


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