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The V46 034 helping pull up the first Hungarian-built V43 its heavy freight train between Városlőd and Szentgál

Photo by: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2008:02:23 09:31:33


PicID: 3884
Tags: Városlőd Szentgál 20 V43 V43 1008 V46 034 fekete-fehér hangulat muvészi Bakonyi vasút vonalkifejtés tehervonat villanymozdony elofogat együttállás Klasszik-Szili Szili

V43 1008 couldn’t climb the steep grade without the help of the small Hi-Fi loco and they can’t go faster then around 10 kph together. There are some trains with just one locomotive, but they are much lighter, and sometimes V63s, or GySEV Tauri come this way which are more powerful. But after changing the M62 diesels to electric locomotives around 1997-98 one locomotive still isn’t enough to pass the Bakony.

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Photo by Takács Bence

Copyright 2005-2014. www.benbe.hu. Railway photography gallery of Takács Bence.

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